You are reading the 2025/26 Academic Calendar. The 2024/25 version remains in effect until August 31, 2025 and is available here.

Academic Regulations


The following regulations regarding re-examination apply only to students pursuing the J.D. Program (including those pursuing the dual J.D./M.B.A.

Courses will be evaluated by final examination unless an additional or alternative method of evaluation is deemed appropriate. In certain circumstances, as set out below, a student is entitled to a re-examination in a particular course after the regular evaluations for the year are completed.

  1. Academic standing is determined for each student as of the end of each Winter Session and each Summer Session.
  2. The passing grade in a course is 50%. The passing average for a session is a weighted average of 55% over all courses taken in the session.
  3. A student receives credit for courses passed in a session even if the student stands failed for the session.
  4. A student registered in first year who attains a passing average for a session but fails up to 6 credits of first year courses is on academic probation in the next Winter Session that the student attends, and must retake in that session the course(s) that were failed. If, in that session, the student fails a first year course a second time, the student stands failed for that session whether or not a passing average is attained.
  5. A student registered in first year stands failed for a session if the student fails more than 6 credits of first year courses or receives a failing average for the session.
  6. A student registered in second or third year stands failed for a session if the student receives a failing average for the session.
  7. By way of exception to rule 6, a student registered in second or third year who took fewer than 12 credits in the session is in good standing as of the end of a session if the student (a) failed no more than one course in the session, and (b) has a cumulative weighted average at the Faculty, including the session in question, of at least 55%.
  8. A student who stands failed for a session will be required to discontinue his or her studies for 12 months. Normally, the student will be required to discontinue studies at the University starting immediately. However, a student registered in and attending one or more courses will be permitted to complete those courses if the determination of an academic standing of failed is only made after the last date for withdrawal without a "W" being recorded on the transcript.
  9. A student who has stood failed must apply for readmission and must demonstrate that the circumstances that led to the failure have been overcome. In exceptional circumstances permission may be granted to apply for readmission before the end of the 12 month period referred to in rule 8.
  10. The following rules apply to a first year student who is readmitted after standing failed:

    10.1 The student must retake any first year courses failed. If the student fails a first year course a second time, the student stands failed for the session whether or not a passing average is attained.

    10.2 If, in the year the student stood failed, the student failed no more than 11 credits of first year courses, and in the year the student was readmitted the student retakes and passes all of the failed courses and attains a passing average, the student is entitled to have the notation of failed standing for the session (but not the failed letter and percentage grade for an individual course) removed from the transcript.

    10.3 Until the student has passed all first year courses, the student may not register for any upper year course without the permission of the Associate Dean, Academic Affairs.
  11. The following rules apply to re-evaluations:

    11.1 If a student fails one or two, but not more than two, courses in a Winter Session but attains a passing average for the session, the student is entitled to a re-evaluation in the courses failed. Notwithstanding this rule, a student who fails more courses than the student passes is not entitled to a re-evaluation.

    11.2 If a student passes every course in a Winter Session but receives a failing average for the session, the student is entitled to a re-evaluation in the two courses for which the lowest marks were received.

    11.3 If a student fails one, but not more than one, course in a Summer Session but attains a passing average for the session, the student is entitled to a re-evaluation in the course failed. A student is also entitled to a re-evaluation in the course failed if it was the only course taken in the session.

    11.4 Notwithstanding that a student would otherwise be entitled to a re-evaluation in a course, a student is not entitled to a re-evaluation if the student received a failing grade in that course due to a penalty being imposed for plagiarism or academic misconduct.

    11.5 A re-evaluation is only available for a final examination, and only where the final examination is worth 60% or more of the total grade for a course. A re-evaluation is not available for a paper.

    11.6 If the grade received on the re-evaluation, plus the mark on any non-examination component, is at least 50%, the final grade for a course in which the student is re-evaluated will be raised to 50%. If the final grade of 50% yields a failing average for that session, and the student’s original grade received on the re-evaluation, plus the mark on any non-examination component, would result in a passing average if recorded on his or her academic record, the final grade will be raised to whatever minimum grade is necessary to yield a passing average for the session; otherwise, the original grade will stand. If a student registered in second or third year took fewer than 12 credits in the session and his or her standing, pursuant to rule 5, depends on cumulative weighted average, the preceding rules apply using a cumulative weighted average of 55% instead of a sessional weighted average of 55%.

    11.7 Ordinarily, students eligible for re-evaluation and wishing to be re-evaluated must notify the Director of Student Academic Services within two weeks of the Winter Session or Summer Session official grades release date.

This does not preclude students making use of the Review of Assigned Standing procedures.

Grades Results

Grades and transcripts are available to students online on Workday. Official results for the Winter Session are available in mid- to late May, and for Summer Session by the end of August.


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