Students who wish to focus their non-Kinesiology electives may, with the approval in writing of the School's Undergraduate Advising Centre, undertake an optional minor program in conjunction with the Bachelor of Kinesiology degree. All courses in the minor must be taken outside of the School of Kinesiology. There are four types of minors available.
Minor in Arts
An acceptable program must comprise courses in the Faculty of Arts that are for credit toward a Bachelor of Arts and consists of 18 upper-level credits in a single subject field or specialization. Students should design a coherent, academically sound course of studies for their program minor, which must be approved in writing by the School's Undergraduate Advising Centre at the beginning of third year. All courses must be acceptable for a Bachelor of Arts Major in the proposed subject area or field, but a student is not bound by the other requirements that the Faculty of Arts sets for a major or minor in the field. Application forms may be obtained from the School's Undergraduate Advising Centre or from the School's website.
Note: Students who pursue a minor in Arts should be aware of the prerequisites for many of the upper-level courses in Arts. Space in many courses is limited. Admission to an Arts minor does not guarantee access to courses agreed upon for the minor.
Note: Students who wish to pursue further studies in the Faculty of Education should be aware that courses which are acceptable for an Arts minor may not necessarily meet the requirements for a teaching concentration in the Faculty of Education. Students planning to enter the Teacher Education Program in the Faculty of Education need to review the detailed admission requirements. Students planning to apply for the secondary option are advised to prepare a second teaching field.
Upon successful completion of the minor program, the notation "Minor in Arts" will be denoted on the student's transcript.
Minor in Commerce
Students wanting a foundation in business management are encouraged to consider the Minor in Commerce. Enrolment in this program is limited to students eligible for third-year standing with a cumulative average of at least 68% in the previous two years. Enrolment in this program is strictly limited. The program will consist of COMM_V 329 (3), COMM_V 457 (3), COMM_V 465 (3), COMM_V 473 (3), COMM_V 493 (3), and one of COMM_V 398 (3) or COMM_V 458. Admission to the program requires completion of ECON_V 101 (3), ECON_V 102 (3), and one of MATH_V 100 (3), 102 (3), 104 (3), 120 (3), 180 (4), or 184 (4). Application forms may be obtained from the School's Undergraduate Advising Centre or from the School's website. Completed applications must be returned no later than May 15.
Upon successful completion of this program, the notation "Minor in Commerce" will be placed on the student's transcript.
Minor in Educational and Counselling Psychology and Special Education
Students wanting a foundation in Educational and Counselling Psychology and Special Education (ECPS) are encouraged to consider a minor in ECPS. Enrolment in this program is limited to students eligible for third-year standing with a cumulative average of at least 68% in the previous two years. Enrolment in this program is strictly limited. The program will consist of EPSE_V 301, EPSE_V 462, EPSE_V 312, and at least three of the following: EPSE_V 303, EPSE_V 316, EPSE_V 320, EPSE_V 403, EPSE_V 408, EPSE_V 426, EPSE_V 433, EPSE_V 436, EPSE_V 437, EPSE_V 449. Application forms may be obtained from the School's Undergraduate Advising Centre or from the School's website.
Note: Students who wish to pursue further studies in the Faculty of Education should be aware that courses which are acceptable for an ECPS minor may not necessarily meet the requirements for a teaching concentration in the Faculty of Education. Students planning to enter the Teacher Education Program in the Faculty of Education need to review the detailed admission requirements. Students planning to apply for the secondary option are advised to prepare a second teaching field.
Upon successful completion of the minor program, the notation "Minor in Educational and Counselling Psychology and Special Education" will be denoted on the student's transcript.
Minor in Nutritional Science
Students wanting a foundation in nutrition are encouraged to consider the Minor in Nutritional Science. Students must be eligible for third-year standing with a cumulative average of at least 68% in the previous two years, and must have completed FNH_V 250. Enrolment in this program is strictly limited. The program will consist of FNH_V 350, 351, and 12 credits from FNH_V 301, 355, 370, 371, 398, 402, 451, 455, 473, 474, 477, and 490. Application forms may be obtained from the School's Undergraduate Advising Centre or from the School's website. Completed applications must be returned no later than May 15.
Note: Students who pursue a Minor in Nutritional Science should be aware of the prerequisites for many of the upper-level courses in food, nutrition, and health. Students may encounter difficulty fitting the FNH courses into their program timetable; careful planning is essential. Space in many courses is limited. Admission to a nutritional science minor does not guarantee access to courses agreed upon for the minor.
Note: Students who wish to pursue further studies in the Faculty of Education should be aware that courses which are acceptable for a Nutritional Science Minor may not necessarily meet the requirements for a teaching concentration in the Faculty of Education. Students planning to enter the Teacher Education Program in the Faculty of Education need to review the detailed admission requirements. Students planning to apply for the secondary option are advised to prepare a second teaching field.
Upon successful completion of this program, the notation "Minor in Nutritional Science" will be placed on the student's transcript.
Minor in Science
An acceptable program must comprise courses recognized in the Faculty of Science that are for credit toward a B.Sc. degree and consist of at least 18 credits numbered 300 or higher in a single subject field or specialization, together with all necessary prerequisites. Students should design a coherent and academically sound course of studies for their proposed minor, which must be approved by the School's Undergraduate Advising Centre in writing at the beginning of third year. All courses must be acceptable for a science major in the proposed subject area or field. Application forms may be obtained from the School's Undergraduate Advising Centre or from the School's website.
Note: Students who wish to pursue a minor in Science should be aware of the prerequisites of many of the upper-level Science courses. Space in many courses is limited. Admission to a science minor does not guarantee access to courses agreed upon for the minor.
Note: Students who wish to pursue studies in the Faculty of Education should be aware that courses which are acceptable for a Minor in Science may not necessarily meet the requirements for a teaching concentration in the Faculty of Education. Students planning to enter the Teacher Education Program in the Faculty of Education need to review the detailed admission requirements. Students planning to apply for the secondary option are advised to prepare a second teaching field.
Upon successful completion of the minor program, the notation, "Minor in Science" will be denoted on the student's transcript.