You are reading the 2025/26 Academic Calendar. The 2024/25 version remains in effect until August 31, 2025 and is available here.

Neuromechanical and Physiological Sciences

The courses in this stream will explore human structure and function responsible for movement; from the physiological, neural, mechanical, and behavioural mechanisms and their interactions, to how these components affect and are affected by factors such as physical activity, aging, and disease.

Neuromechanical and Physiological Sciences

First Year
WRDS_V 1503
KIN_V 1103
KIN_V 1203
KIN_V 1313
KIN_V 1323
KIN_V 1503
KIN_V 1603
Total Credits30
Second Year 
KIN_V 2053
KIN_V 2063
KIN_V 2113
KIN_V 2163
KIN_V 2323
KIN_V 2353
KIN_V 2623
Total Credits30
Third and Fourth Year 
Select 7 from KIN_V 311, 313, 316, 320, 335, 411, 413, 415, 419, 420, 424, 432, 434, 435, 43821
KIN_V Electives515
Total Credits60
1 KIN_V or non-KIN_V courses that the student may elect to take.
2 Students interested in KIN_V 342, 442, and 444 should take KIN_V 140 as an elective in either year 1 or 2.
3 Students planning to apply to postgraduate programs are strongly encouraged to determine the necessary undergraduate requirements that are available in other faculties such as Science and Arts.
4 Students planning to enter the Teacher Education Program in the Faculty of Education need to review the detailed admission requirements. Students planning to apply for the secondary option are advised to prepare a second teaching field.
5 KIN_V courses at the 300/400-level that the student may elect to take.

Students in this stream must take a minimum of 36 credits in 300- or 400-level kinesiology courses including at least 21 credits from those listed below:

  • Neuromechanics: KIN_V 311, 313, 316, 411, 413, 415, 419
  • Systems Biology, Exercise & Health: KIN_V 320, 335, 420, 424, 432, 434, 435, 438

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