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Urban Design

Degree Offered: M.U.D.



P. Condon, R. Kellett.

Associate Professors

K. Lokman, S. Stevens.  

Assistant Professor

R. Abughannam.

Program Overview

The Master of Urban Design (M.U.D.) program curriculum synthesizes urban design theory and practice. It provides a foundation in the seminal works of urban design theory and offers a myriad of opportunities to test and critique theory through community-based projects and design studios. Students have the necessary space to think freely and openly about urban design problems and become equipped with the skills essential for producing innovative and creative solutions. In parallel, students are exposed to the realities of urban policymaking and property development, forcing them to address the challenges that impact the urban design process. This dynamic, yet structured, curriculum capitalizes on the Vancouver region's international reputation as a leader in sustainable urban design policymaking and implementation, offering a constructive forum for critical analysis, review, and reflection.

Note: The M.U.D. program commences on May 1 of each year and runs until April 30.

Admission Requirements

All applicants must meet the admission requirements of the Faculty of Graduate and Postgraduate Studies.

To be eligible for admission to the M.U.D. Program, students must hold a professional degree in architecture, landscape architecture, or planning.

The minimum admission requirement for students with graduate-level degrees is an overall average of 75% (UBC equivalency).

Applicants who do not meet the admissions minimum, but who have sufficient formal training and relevant professional experience to offset the academic deficiency, will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

Candidates are evaluated on the following components of the application: academic transcripts, statement of research interest, biographical statement, portfolio of professional or academic work, letters of reference, and an acceptable English test score where required. The portfolio must demonstrate the applicant's creative aptitude and ability to solve problems through design.

Transfer Credit

Courses taken as an Access Studies or non-degree student may be approved for transfer towards the M.U.D. program with the permission of the program Chair and the Faculty of Graduate and Postgraduate Studies.

Consistent with standard transfer credit regulations, students in the M.U.D. program are limited to transferring a maximum of 9 credits towards the M.U.D. program elective requirements. In order to be eligible for transfer, the course(s):

  • must be completed with a minimum B standing (74% UBC equivalency)
  • must not have been counted toward the completion of another degree or program
  • must have been completed no more than five years prior to the time the student commences the program
  • must not be used as a basis for admission to the graduate program

Program Requirements

The M.U.D. Program requires completion of at least 45 credits: a minimum of 36 core course credits in the program area at the 500-level and 9 elective credits, a minimum of 3 of which must be in history/theory.

A maximum of 6 credits of 500-level directed studies courses may be counted toward the program requirements.

Contact Information

School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture 
379-2357 Main Mall 
Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z4 
Tel: 604.827.7252 

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