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Vocational Rehabilitation Counselling

Degree Offered: M.A.



I. Schultz.

Program Overview

UBC has developed a state-of-the-art professionally-oriented program in Vocational Rehabilitation Counselling which follows the scientist-practitioner training model and prepares students for independent practice in a wide spectrum of vocational rehabilitation service areas such as vocational assessment, vocational individual and group intervention, adjustment and rehabilitative counselling, job development and placement, return-to-work planning, case and disability management, and research and program evaluation. Supervised clinical experience in a Vocational Rehabilitation setting as well as coursework on psychosocial and medical aspects of disability are included in the curriculum. The program is responsive to the needs of Canadian vocational rehabilitation professionals and provides a uniquely Canadian perspective on vocational rehabilitation counselling and the environment where it is delivered.

The curriculum has been developed in accordance with future program accreditation requirements, and prepares graduates for licensing by respective licensing bodies for vocational rehabilitation professionals.

The program normally admits students every three years. Please check with the program to see if applications are being accepted for the upcoming academic year.

Master of Arts

Admission Requirements

The applicant must have an undergraduate degree, preferably with a concentration in related areas such as psychology, occupational therapy, social work, special education human resources management, or nursing and meeting the minimum requirements set by the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies. The applicant will normally be required to have work experience, either paid or volunteer. Letters of reference attesting to the applicant's personal suitability for the field will be required.

Program Requirements

The program is broad and covers topics of relevance to the professional vocational rehabilitation counsellor such as vocational assessment of persons with disabilities, job placement, disability case management, counselling theory, and medical aspects of disability.

It is a 48 credits program including 15 credits of courses in Rehabilitation & Vocational Counselling, 9 to 12 credits of courses in Assessment (depending on the student's background), 18 credits of courses in Counselling and 6 credits of courses in Research Methodology. A supervised clinical experience in the vocational rehabilitation setting as well as coursework on psychosocial and medical aspects of disability are included in the curriculum.

The program is offered on a part time basis, to accommodate students currently working in the field, with classes arranged for late afternoon (4:30-7:00 pm) and additional spring and summer offerings.

Contact Information

Department of Educational and Counselling Psychology, and Special Education
2125 Main Mall
Vancouver, BC, Canada V6Z 1T4
Tel: 604.822.6371
Fax: 604.822.3302
Karen Yan, Graduate Program Assistant

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