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Degrees Offered: Ph.D., M.Sc.



A. Bouchard-Côté, J. Chen, P. A. Gustafson, H. S. W. Joe, N. Nolde, M. Salíbián Barrera, W. J. Welch, L. Wu.

Professor Emeritus

R. Brant, N. Heckman, A.W. Marshall, A.J. Petkau, J. Zidek.

Associate Professor

M. Auger-Méthé, T. Campbell, G. Cohen Freue, D. McDonald.

Assistant Professor

B. Bloem-Reddy, L. Gao, K. Korthauer, Y. Park, G. Pleiss.

Program Overview

The program leading to the Master of Science is designed to prepare students for employment in government and industry or to serve as preparation for students planning to undertake a program leading to the Doctor of Philosophy. The studies leading to the Ph.D. are designed to equip students to carry out research, with a view toward a career in academia, industry, or government. Research interests of the faculty include biostatistics, environmetrics, mathematical modelling of biological systems, computational statistics, data mining, machine learning, theory of statistical inference, asymptotics, multivariate analysis, robustness, nonparametrics, design of experiments, smoothing, Bayesian methods, computational molecular biology, gene expression, and microarrays.

Doctor of Philosophy

Admission Requirements

Students admitted to the Ph.D. degree program normally possess a master's degree in Statistics or a related area, with clear evidence of research ability or potential. Transfer from the M.Sc. to the Ph.D. program may be permitted under regulations set by the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies.

Program Requirements

Appropriate coursework may be selected in consultation with the student's supervisory committee. All doctoral students are required to successfully complete a comprehensive examination. The major requirement for the Ph.D. is completion of a research dissertation meeting the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies requirements.

Master of Science

Admission Requirements

Students admitted to the M.Sc. degree program normally possess a bachelor's degree in Statistics or a related area, and must meet the general admission requirements for master's degree programs set by the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies.

Program Requirements

There are three options for the Master of Science:

  1. Thesis Option This option requires 24 credits of coursework (6 credits at the 300-level or above and 18 credits at the 500-level or above) and a 6-credit thesis.
  2. Project Option This option requires 27 credits of coursework (6 credits at the 300-level or above and 18 credits at the 500-level or above) and a 3-credit project.
  3. Co-operative Education Option A Co-operative Education Option is available for graduate students in Statistics. The Program is intended to help prepare interested and qualified students for careers in statistics and involves 8 months of work placement supervised by practising professionals. Faculty advisors also visit students at their place of work and provide advice on technical reports required of all students in the Program.

The co-op option requires 36 credits. Students complete 30 credits of coursework (6 credits at the 300-level or above and 24 credits at the 500-level or above). Students in this option register for STAT_V 598 and 599 during their co-operative work placement.

Citizenship status is not a requirement for the co-op option.

A detailed description of placements and academic requirements are available from the Program.

Contact Information:

Department of Statistics
3182 Earth Sciences Building, 2207 Main Mall

Vancouver, BC, Canada V6T 1Z4
Tel: 604.822.0570
Fax: 604.822.6960
Andrea Sollberger, Student Services Coordinator

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