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Society, Culture and Politics in Education


Degrees Offered: M.Ed.



A. Abdi, V. Andreotti, M. Gleason, D. Kelly, A. Mazawi, L. Roman, C. Ruitenberg, T. Webb, H. Wright.

Professors Emeriti

J. Archibald, D. Fisher, V. Strong-Boag, C. Ungerleider.

Associate Professors

C. Ahenakew, J. Ellis, S. Rocha.


Program Overview

The goal of the Society, Culture and Politics in Education (SCPE) graduate program is to use the social sciences and humanities to study education and to address major issues affecting educational policy and practice. The program addresses social justice issues such as the unequal distribution of resources, disparity of educational outcomes, power relations, recognition and representation from a variety of perspectives, including but not limited to post-colonial, feminist, anti-racist, materialist, and First Nations perspectives.

The SCPE graduate program offers a Master of Education (M.Ed.) in Society, Culture and Politics in Education. The Master of Arts (M.A.) in Educational Studies program also offers a concentration in SCPE. Students wishing to pursue an M.A. in this concentration will consult with a supervisor to meet the requirements described in the EDST M.A. section. Both M.Ed. and M.A. programs are also available as part-time studies.

Students interested in the SCPE program have diverse academic, professional, and community backgrounds, varied research interests and represent a wide range of contexts and interests including but not limited to social justice education. SCPE faculty and students often bring their knowledge to current affairs, policymaking, community, classrooms, workplaces, and families. SCPE aims to develop scholars, researchers, and practitioners.

Master of Education

Admission Requirements

Applicants to the M.Ed. program are expected to meet the Admission Requirements of the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies.

Program Requirements

The M.Ed. is a 30-credit program designed for professionals in education whose primary focus is understanding and improving educational practice. It is primarily course-based. Requirements are as follows:

  • Three of the four core courses: EDST_V 509, EDST_V 574, EDST_V 577 and EDST_V 597
  • One of EDUC_V 500, EDST_V 571, EDST_V 545 or EDST_V 546
  • One three-credit SCPE-specific elective (e.g., EDST_V 502, EDST_V 506, EDST_V 570, EDST_V 576, EDST_V 578, EDST_V 593, or a core course not yet taken toward core course requirements)
  • 12 credits of open electives
  • Graduating paper (EDST_V 590) or one other 3-credit EDST_V graduate course

Contact Information

Department of Educational Studies
Education Centre at Ponderosa Commons
6445 University Boulevard
Vancouver, BC, Canada V6T 1Z2
Tel: 604.822.6647
Fax: 604.822.4244
Web: Graduate Program Assistant

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