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Mining Engineering

Degrees Offered: Ph.D., M.A.Sc.



W. S. Dunbar, D. Elmo, B. Klein, M. Pawlik.

Associate Professor

M. Holuszko, N. Kunz, A. Madiseh, J. Steen.

Assistant Professor

I. Miskovic, S. Miskovic, L.A. Torres Cruz.

Program Overview

The graduate program in Mining Engineering offers opportunity for study in the fields of mining and mineral processing, including mine environment and coal preparation. Areas of research interest are indicated below.

  • Mining. Mine economics and valuation, mine design, drilling and blasting methods, rock mechanics and slope stability, optimization and simulation of mining operations, advanced mining methods, mine services (particularly mine ventilation), and climatic control.
  • Mineral processing. Unit operations, comminution, process modelling and optimization, expert systems, instrumentation and computer control. Flotation, surface chemistry, fines recovery, coal recovery, treatment of fine and oxidized coal, and precious metals recovery.
  • Mining and Environment. Acid rock drainage, environmental protection, effluent control and treatment. Social and legal aspects of sustainable mining practices, small-scale mining in developing countries.

Applicants must satisfy the admission requirements of the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies. For applicants with credentials from international institutions, this includes the English language proficiency requirement.

Students should note that not all courses listed are offered every year.

Doctor of Philosophy

Admission Requirements

Students admitted to the Ph.D. degree program normally possess an M.A.Sc. degree in Mining Engineering or a related area, with clear evidence of research ability or potential. All applicants must meet the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies' minimum academic standards for admission. Transfer from the master's to the Ph.D. program is permitted under regulations set by the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies.

Interested applicants should contact the Department for further information. Students who wish to be considered for financial assistance should apply for admission as early as possible.

Program Requirements

The Ph.D. program combines coursework with a research dissertation. Students select their courses in consultation with faculty to suit their research needs.

All doctoral students are required to successfully complete a comprehensive examination. The major requirement for the Ph.D. is completion of a research dissertation meeting the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies requirements.

Master of Applied Science

Admission Requirements

Students admitted to the M.A.Sc. degree program normally possess a bachelor degree in mining engineering or a related area, and must meet the general admission requirements for master's degree programs set by the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies.

Program Requirements

The M.A.Sc. program combines research and coursework and requires a total of 30 credits. A research thesis is assigned between 6 to 12 credits by the head of the Department in consultation with the research supervisor.

For information about the professional Master of Engineering (M.Eng.) program, please see the Faculty of Applied Science or visit the Program.

For information about the Graduate Certificate in Global Mine Waste Management Program, please see the Faculty of Applied Science - Graduate Certificate Programs or visit the Program.

Contact Information

Norman B. Keevil Institute of Mining Engineering
517-6350 Stores Road
Vancouver, BC, Canada V6T 1Z4
Tel: 604-827-3461
Dr. Ali Madiseh, Graduate Advisor 
Anne Broženský, Graduate Student Support

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