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Measurement, Evaluation, and Research Methodology


Degrees Offered: Ph.D., M.A., M.Ed.



A. Hubley, S. Mathison, B. Zumbo.

Associate Professor

A. Wu.

Assistant Professor

E. Kroc.

Professors Emeriti

M. Arlin.

Associate Professors Emeriti

N. Kishor

Program Overview

The graduate program in Measurement, Evaluation, and Research Methodology (MERM) offers Ph.D., M.A., and M.Ed. degrees. The MERM area focuses on the preparation of graduate students to be methodological and measurement specialists. We strive to promote in our research, student supervision, and teaching the highest standards of measurement and research methodology in our discipline. Upon degree completion, our master's and Ph.D. students are employed as university faculty, data analysts, research scientists, test developers, directors of research in school districts or government, research consultants, assessment and testing specialists in business, industry, and education, certification and credentialing professionals, and psychometricians at research and testing organizations.

MERM students generally fit into one of three categories:

  1. Students who have an applied interest in educational and psychological measurement, program evaluation, or data analysis. Although they may have some preparation in measurement and data analysis in their undergraduate studies, this is not always the case. These students are more oriented toward the use of measurement, program evaluation, or data analysis techniques in fields such as education, psychology, or health.
  2. Students who have strong theoretical interests in technical problems related to areas such as test theory, item response theory, assessment, statistics, factor analysis, and multi-level modelling. Although some of these students come to the Program with some statistical and/or mathematical background, often obtained while studying in another social science discipline such as psychology or sociology, other students arrive with degrees in statistics or mathematics as well.
  3. Students who find it compatible with their career goals to give equal attention to both applied and theoretical aspects of this program.

Doctor of Philosophy

Admission Requirements

In addition to the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies general Academic Requirements for the Ph.D. program, the following requirements must be satisfied: a master's degree in ECPS or in a closely related discipline (e.g., education, psychology, statistics, health sciences) with a First Class average (80% or better) in all senior-level coursework, relevant training or experience in area of specialization, GRE (General Test), evaluation of research potential from three qualified referees, and a match in the research and professional interests of the applicant and at least one faculty member. The GRE is not required for students who have graduated from UBC's MERM Master's Program.

Part-time Doctoral Classification is also available. This must be approved at the point of admission

Program Requirements

Specific coursework requirements for the MERM doctoral program are determined on a case-by-case basis, as outlined in an individualized Program of Graduate Studies (PGS) developed for each student, in consultation with his/her Academic Advisor and a Faculty Advisory Committee. A representative program would normally include coursework, seminars, consultations, directed readings, and, where appropriate, practical and field work related to the student's major area of interest selected to prepare the student for the comprehensive examination and dissertation.

All doctoral students are required to complete a comprehensive examination successfully. The major requirement for the Ph.D. is completion of a research dissertation meeting the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies requirements.

Master of Arts

Admission Requirements

Admission into the M.A. program is granted to applicants who meet the minimum Academic Requirements of the Faculty of Graduateand Postdoctoral Studies. In addition, academic background in any domain of educational or counselling psychology, psychology, education, statistics, health, or related fields is necessary. Students lacking appropriate background or academic preparation may be required to complete courses in addition to the normal 30-credit requirement.

Program Requirements

Students must complete EPSE_V 481 (Introduction to Research in Education) and EPSE_V 482 (Introduction to Statistics for Research in Education) or equivalent with 80% or better. Students who have not taken these courses may apply to the program, but if admitted will be required to take the appropriate courses early in the graduate program, in addition to the usual course requirements. The M.A. in MERM is a 30-credit program. The core coursework includes 12 credits in research designs and measurement, 6-9 credits in approved methodology electives, 3-6 in non-MERM areas. The master's thesis is 6 credits. Specific coursework enables an individualized Program of Graduate Studies (PGS) developed for each student, in consultation with the Academic Advisor and a Faculty Advisory Committee.

Master of Education

Admission Requirements

Same as for the M.A.

Program Requirements

Students must complete EPSE_V 481 (Introduction to Research in Education) and EPSE_V 482 (Introduction to Statistics for Research in Education) or equivalent with 80% or better. Students who have not taken these courses may apply to the program, but if admitted will be required to complete the appropriate courses with 80% or better within the first year of the graduate program, in addition to the usual course requirements. The M.Ed. in MERM is a 30-credit program. It is entirely based on coursework in core MERM courses, methodology electives, and approved non-MERM courses. The coursework enables an individualized Program of Graduate Studies (PGS) developed for each student, in consultation with the Academic Advisor and a Faculty Advisory Committee.

Contact Information

Department of Educational and Counselling Psychology, and Special Education
2125 Main Mall
Vancouver, BC, Canada V6T 1Z4
Tel: 604.822.6371
Fax: 604.822.3302
Karen Yan, Graduate Program Assistant

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