You are reading the 2025/26 Academic Calendar. The 2024/25 version remains in effect until August 31, 2025 and is available here.


Degrees Offered: Ph.D., M.A., M.Sc., M.Kin., M.H.P.C.T.L.



M. Beauchamp, J.S. Blouin, R. Boushel, M. Carpenter, R. Chua, G. Faulkner, J. Forsyth, N. Hodges, L. Hurd, T. Inglis, K. Khan, M. Koehle, T. Lam, R. Petrella, W. Sheel, D. Warburton, B. Wilson, D. Wright.

Professor Emeritus

P. Crocker, I. Franks, D. McKenzie, R. Sparks, P. Vertinsky.

Associate Professor

S. Bredin, A. Bundon, C. Mitchell, M. Norman, E. Puterman.

Assistant Professor

E. Bennett, H. Kim, D. McEwan, L. Yoon.

Program Overview

The School of Kinesiology offers graduate students original investigations (M.A., M.Sc., Ph.D.) and advanced study (M.Kin.) in biological, behavioural, and socio-cultural research in Kinesiology. Students entering the M.A. program are normally expected to have a background in social sciences, while students applying to the M.Sc. program are expected to have a background in the natural or health sciences. Potential M.Kin. students are required to have a B.Kin. or its equivalent.

The School has excellent research facilities and graduate students work alongside some of the top researchers in the field of Kinesiology. This program follows a mentorship model and admission requires a faculty member to agree to act as a research supervisor. Applications meeting the minimum eligibility requirements are forwarded to potential supervisors identified by the applicant, and the recommendation for admission is made by individual faculty members.

Doctor of Philosophy

Admission Requirements

The Ph.D. program is governed by the general requirements of the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies. Admission to the program normally requires a thesis-based master's degree in Physical Education, Kinesiology, or other related field of study, along with appropriate undergraduate and graduate coursework. Applicants with an undergraduate or graduate degree in a non-kinesiology program may be considered for admission, particularly if they have a strong background in kinesiology.

Part-time Doctoral Classification is also available. Students who wish to be classified as part-time must obtain approval from their proposed supervisor and graduate program advisor as part of the admission process.

Program Requirements

Coursework is selected in consultation with the student's supervisory committee.

All doctoral students are required to complete a comprehensive examination successfully. The major requirement for the Ph.D. is completion of a research dissertation meeting the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies requirements.

Master of Arts

Admission Requirements

Admission requires a First Class standing (80% or above) in at least 12 credits of coursework relevant to the chosen program of study, and at least an upper Second Class standing (76% or higher) in all third- and fourth-year level courses.

Program Requirements

The M.A. degree in Kinesiology requires students to complete 30 credits. A maximum of 3 of the required 30 course credits may be taken at the 300- and 400- undergraduate level. At least 27 credits must be in courses numbered 500 or higher. These will include a Kinesiology Research Methodology course (either KIN_V 570 or KIN_V 571, or an approved alternative) and the Master's Thesis (KIN_V 599, 18 credits). A maximum of 3 credits of KIN_V 530 Directed Studies can be taken for credit towards the degree. M.A. students cannot take KIN_V 598 to fulfill their course requirements.

Master of Science

Admission Requirements

Admission requires a First Class standing (80% or above) in at least 12 credits of coursework relevant to the chosen program of study, and at least an upper Second Class standing (76% or above) in all third- and fourth-year level courses.

Program Requirements

The M.Sc. degree in Kinesiology requires students to complete 30 credits. A maximum of 3 of the required 30 course credits may be taken at the 300- and 400- undergraduate level. At least 27 credits must be in courses numbered 500 or higher. These will include a Kinesiology Research Methodology course (either KIN_V 570 or KIN_V 571, or an approved alternative) and the Master’s Thesis (KIN_V 599, 18 credits). A maximum of 3 credits of KIN_V 530 Directed Studies can be taken for credit towards the degree. M.Sc. students cannot take KIN_V 598 to fulfill their course requirements.

Master of Kinesiology

Admission Requirements

Admission to the program requires a First Class standing (80% or above) in at least 12 credits of coursework relevant to the chosen program of study, and at least an upper Second Class standing (76% or above) in all third- and fourth-year level courses.

Applicants are normally expected to have a Bachelor of Kinesiology or its equivalent.

Program Requirements

The Master of Kinesiology (M.Kin.) non-thesis program consists of a minimum of 30 course credits. A maximum of 6 of the required 30 course credits may be taken at the 300- and 400-level. At least 24 credits must be in courses numbered 500 or higher. These will include 3 credits from a Kinesiology Methodology course: KIN_V 570, KIN_V 571 or KIN_V 572.

Graduate Program Changes

The Master of Human Kinetics (M.H.K.) has been changed to be a Master of Kinesiology (M.Kin.). The following conditions apply to all M.H.K. and M.Kin. students.

  1. Students entering their first year of the program in September 2011 or later must follow the program requirements for a M.Kin. degree as set out in the current edition of the Calendar.
  2. Alumni who received an M.H.K. degree from UBC can elect to convert their degree to a M.Kin. degree by submitting an HKIN Alumni M.Kin. Degree Application Form. For further information read the FAQ on the School's website.

Master of High Performance Coaching and Technical Leadership

The Master of High Performance Coaching and Technical Leadership (M.H.P.C.T.L.) is a two-year, 30 credit specialized program for experienced sport coaches and technical managers who are looking to advance in their careers. Through a partnership with the leading national agencies in high performance sport, an international quality program is offered using a blended delivery model.

The program provides a strong foundation for present and future coaches and technical leaders by developing knowledge and skills in the interpretation and use of research, balanced with applied coaching practice. The development of skills in analysis and evidence-based decision making has been identified as a critical need by national sport leaders, and this program helps develop the next generation of sport leaders for Canada.

A blended model of residential periods and online teaching methods facilitates the participation of candidates from across Canada and around the world. The program is integrated into the Sport Federations' national coaching qualifications, providing national certification together with academic credentials. The program will include two one-week residential courses: one at the start of year 1 and one at the start of year 2. All courses will be delivered primarily online with added synchronous classes scheduled throughout the Winter Session Terms 1 and 2.

Admission Requirements

Candidates must meet minimum entry requirements established by the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies. In addition, candidates will normally have a Bachelor's degree in Human Kinetics, Physical Education, Kinesiology or other related field of study, as well as:

  • 5 years of coaching experience, including coaching athletes at the national team or Canada Games level, or 5 years as a carded National Team athlete;
  • National Coaching Certification Program qualification at level 3 or Competition Development;
  • recommendation of the National Sport Organization; and,
  • submission of a portfolio showing an annual training plan the candidate has developed and implemented, other evidence of their practical coaching, and any articles or coaching materials they have produced.

Alternatively, applicants who do not meet the requirements stated above, but who have had significant formal training and relevant professional experience, and/or otherwise posses demonstrable knowledge or expertise that would prepare them adequately for successful study in a specific graduate program, may be granted admission on the recommendation of the appropriate graduate program and approval of the Dean of the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies.

Program Requirements

Students will be required to complete 30 credits of KIN courses which includes a 6 credit sport inquiry course.

  1. KIN_V 515 (3) Gap Analysis
  2. KIN_V 585 (3) Performance Planning
  3. KIN_V 586 (3) Coaching Effectiveness
  4. KIN_V 597 (3) Practical Applications in High Performance Sport
  5. KIN_V 516 (3) Psychology of Leadership and Group Processes in Sport
  6. KIN_V 517 (3) The Business of High Performance Sport
  7. KIN_V 572 (3) Research Methods in Sports Coaching
  8. KIN_V 575 (3) Principles of Applied Sports Analytics
  9. KIN_V 596 (6) High Performance Sport Inquiry

Contact Information

School of Kinesiology
210-6081 University Blvd.
Vancouver, BC, Canada V6T 1Z1
Tel: 604.822.4641
Fax: 604.822.6842

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