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Degrees Offered: Ph.D., M.Sc., M.A.Sc., M.F., M.G.E.M., M.I.F., M.S.F.M, M.U.F.L.



S. Aitken, Y. Alila, P. Arcese, S. Avramidis, J. Bohlmann, A. Carroll, C. Chanway, N. Coops, E. Cranston, L. Daniels, J. Davies, Y. El-Kassaby, P. Evans, S. Gergel, S. Grayston, S. Hagerman, R. Hamelin, S. Hinch, J. Innes, M. Krzic, R. Kozak, F. Lam, S. Mansfield, T. Martin, I. Myers-Smith, S. Renneckar, J. Sayer, S. Simard, G. Smith, T. Sowlati, T. Sunderland, H. Zerriffi.

Professor Emeritus

G. Bull, D. Cohen, R. Guy, B. Larson, V. LeMay, P. Marshall, C. Prescott, J. Richardson, K. Ritland, J. Saddler, S. Sheppard.

Associate Professor

S. Benson-Amram, A. K. Boedhihartono, J. Bulkan, C. Burton, J. Cool, C. Dai, B. Eskelson, C. Gaston, F. Jiang, M. Li, M. McHale, M. Meitner, H. Nelson, J. Rhemtulla, D. Roeser, G. Wang, T. Wang, E. Wolkovich.

Associate Professor Emeritus

S. Ellis, S. Mitchell.

Assistant Professor

T. Atleo, I. Barbeito Sanchez, T. Booker, W. Cardinal-McTeague, T. Devisscher, H. Feng, M. Fischer, J. Grenz, J. Joshi, K. Kim, T. Lam, C. Loss, J. Lu, D. Montwe, A. Moore, L. Nesbitt, W. Nikolakis, G. Paradis, K. Park, Q. Tu, H. van der Ven, F. Wiesner.

Program Overview

The graduate program in Forestry offers advanced study in natural and social science, management, and economic aspects of forestry and wood science, in an interdisciplinary setting. Detailed information about specific areas of research can be found on the Forestry website. In addition to its thesis-based programs, the graduate program in Forestry also offers five course-based degrees: the Master of Forestry, the Master of International Forestry, the Master of Sustainable Forest Management, the Master of Geomatics for Environmental Management, and the Master of Urban Forestry Leadership. The Faculty operates research forests at Vancouver and Williams Lake which support many research and education activities. The Faculty encourages international and First Nations students to be involved in our research.

Doctor of Philosophy

Admission Requirements

Students admitted to the Ph.D. degree program normally possess a master's degree in Forestry or a related area, with clear evidence of research ability or potential. Transfer from the master's to the Ph.D. program is permitted under Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies regulations. Exceptional students may be admitted directly to the Ph.D. program from the bachelor's level.

Program Requirements

Coursework is selected in consultation with the supervisory committee. All doctoral students are required to complete a comprehensive examination successfully. The major requirement for the Ph.D. is completion of a research dissertation meeting the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies requirements.

Master of Science

Admission Requirements

Students admitted to the M.Sc. degree program normally possess a bachelor's degree in science, applied science, agricultural sciences, social science, or forestry, and must meet the general admission requirements for master's degree programs set by the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies.

Program Requirements

The M.Sc. program includes a thesis (6/12/18 credits), a forestry communications course (FRST_V 544 or approved alternate), and other approved courses, for a total of 30 credits.

Master of Applied Science

Admission Requirements

Students admitted to the M.A.Sc. degree program normally possess a bachelor's degree in Applied Science (B.A.Sc.) or higher degree in engineering, and must meet the general admission requirements for master's degree programs set by the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies.

Program Requirements

The M.A.Sc. program includes a thesis (6/12/18 credits), a forestry communications course (FRST_V 544 or approved alternate), and other approved courses, for a total of 30 credits.

Master of Forestry

Admission Requirements

Students admitted to the M.F. degree program normally possess a bachelor's degree in science, applied science, agricultural sciences, social science, or forestry, and must meet the general admission requirements for master's degree programs set by the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies.

Program Requirements

The M.F. program includes either a major essay (3-6 credits) or a thesis (6-18 credits), a forestry communications course (FRST_V 544 or approved alternate), and other approved courses, for a total of 30 credits.

Dual Degree Program Option: TRANSFOR-M

Master of Forestry, UBC and one of the available master’s degrees at one of the European partner universities participating in the TRANSFOR-M program.

TRANSFOR-M (Transatlantic Forestry Master's Program) is a unique dual degree program which offers qualified students the opportunity to earn, in two years, a Master of Forestry (MF) degree from UBC and a master’s degree from one of the five participating universities in Europe.

The participating European Universities:

  • Bangor University, Wales, UK
  • University of Eastern Finland, Finland
  • University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria
  • University of Padova, Italy
  • Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden

The European degrees available for UBC MF students:

  • M.Sc. Agroforestry (Bangor University / Wales)
  • M.Sc. Conservation and Land Management (Bangor University / Wales)
  • M.Sc. Environmental Forestry (Bangor University / Wales)
  • M.Sc. Agriculture and Forestry (University of Eastern Finland)
  • M.Sc. Mountain Forestry (University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna)
  • M.Sc. Forest Science (University of Padova)
  • M.Sc. Forestry (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden)
  • M.Sc. Biology (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden)
  • M.Sc. Bioeconomy Management (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden)

Taken separately, both degrees would take three years to complete. The dual degree program option makes it possible to earn both degrees in two years of study by allowing students to be enrolled continuously through this period and by allowing students to apply 30 credits earned as part of the UBC MF degree towards the European degree.

In order to receive both degrees students must fulfill the individual program requirements for each institution’s degree.


Admission to the TRANSFOR-M through UBC requires an academic background in science, applied science, agricultural sciences, social science or forestry. Admission standards are in accordance with the standards set by UBC’s Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies. Given that the number of applicants exceeds the number of positions available, a record that satisfies basic entrance requirements does not guarantee admission.

For applicants with Canadian or USA credentials, the equivalent of a four-year bachelor’s degree with a minimum overall average in the B+ range in third- and fourth-year courses, is required. For applicants with International credentials, we require an academic degree and GPA as detailed by the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies International Evaluation Manual.

Applicants whose prior degree is from a university outside Canada in which English is not the primary language of instruction must provide official results of an English language proficiency examination as part of their application. See details.

Applicants wishing to participate in the TRANSFOR-M program must first arrange an interview with the UBC TRANSFOR-M Liaison Officer. Applicants must submit an online application with supporting documents to UBC and pay the application fee by the application deadline. The successful applicants selected as UBC candidates will then apply formally for admission to the master’s program at the European Host Institution to which they were invited to apply.


Once the students have been selected in the TRANSFOR-M program and offered admission at both UBC and in the Host Institution in Europe, the Liaison Officers at both institutions will work with the student to develop a Study Plan that will outline courses to be taken at the Host Institution and the transfer credits that will be granted by the European Institution. Liaison Officers of both UBC and the Host Institution must approve the student’s Study Plan.

Students will complete their first year at the European Host institution during which they will complete the normal requirements for the first year of the Host institution’s degree program. During that period, they will also be registered at UBC in the MF’s Major Essay (FRST_V 548). For their second year, they will return to UBC and complete the remaining MF degree requirements (coursework).

For the UBC Master of Forestry (MF) and European Master’s dual degree program, students are required to complete a minimum of 30 UBC credits to qualify for the UBC MF component and additional 60-75 European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) credits for the European component. None of the European courses are accepted as transfer credits towards the UBC Master of Forestry (MF) degree, but UBC MF degree credits are accepted as transfer credits towards the European degree.

Students will graduate from each institution when they complete the program requirements of that institution. Students may attend the convocation ceremonies of both institutions. The student will receive two parchments:

  1. UBC, Master of Forestry (MF); and
  2. The master’s degree from their European Host Institution

Each institution manages its own degree requirements. Students must meet each institution’s admission and continuation requirements; however, only those credits administered by the specific institution will apply towards that institution’s continuation policies. Students are required to comply with all policies, procedures, rules and regulations of the Host Institution during their studies at the Host Institution, as well as any other policies, procedures, rules or regulations placed upon them by the Home Institution during the period of their participation in the TRANSFOR-M Program.

TRANSFOR-M students with UBC as the designated Home Institution will pay the MF tuition assessment and student fees for a minimum of two years (6 terms), but will receive a tuition fee waiver at the Host University in Europe. Miscellaneous European student fees may be assessed.

TRANSFOR-M students with UBC as the designated Host Institution will receive a tuition fee waiver for each term they are registered in the MF at UBC, but will pay all other required student fees.

For further information on the UBC MF program, including information on applying, please see the UBC Faculty of Forestry MF program website.

Dual Degree Program Option: GREEN BUSINESS

This dual-degree program benefits from the complementary expertise of the two leading natural resource faculties: the Faculty of Forestry at the University of British Columbia (UBC) and the Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry at the University of Helsinki (UH). The program is based on existing degree programs at both universities. Students that fulfil the requirements of both degrees will receive the Master of Forestry (M.F.) degree from UBC and the Master of Science (M.Sc.) in Agriculture and Forestry from UH. 

Taken separately, both degrees would take three years to complete. The dual degree program option makes it possible to earn both degrees in two years of study by allowing students to be enrolled continuously through this period and by allowing students to apply 30 credits earned as part of the UBC M.F. degree towards the UH M.Sc. degree. 

In order to receive both degrees, students must fulfill the individual program requirements for both institutions’ degrees. 


Admission to the GREEN BUSINESS program through UBC requires an academic background in science, applied science, agricultural sciences, social science, wood sciences, bioeconomy or forestry.  

Successful applicants must meet UBC’s graduate-level admission requirements, including the English Language Proficiency Requirement. Given that the number of applicants exceeds the number of positions available, a record that satisfies basic entrance requirements does not guarantee admission. 

Applicants wishing to participate in the GREEN BUSINESS program with UBC as their home institution must first arrange an interview with the UBC GREEN BUSINESS Liaison Officer. Applicants must submit an online application with supporting documents to UBC and pay the application fee by the posted deadline. The successful applicants selected as UBC candidates will then apply formally for admission to the Master of Science (M.Sc.) in Agriculture and Forestry program at UH, which will serve as their host institution. 


Once the student is admitted to the program, the Liaison Officers of both institutions will work with the student to develop a study plan that outlines courses to be taken at UBC and the transfer credits that will be granted at UH. Liaison Officers of both the home institution and the host institution must approve the student’s study plan. 

The students start their studies at UBC in the Master of Forestry (M.F.) program, fulfilling the requirements of this 1-year course-based master degree. Students complete 30 credits at UBC, which must include FRST_V 548 Major Essay (6 credits) and FRST_V 544 Technical Communications Skills (3 credits). For the second year, the students will relocate to UH to complete the remaining requirements for the Master of Science (M.Sc.) in Agriculture and Forestry program (2 years, 120 European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System).  

The student’s study plan outlines the courses and research work to be undertaken at each institution to satisfy the requirements of both degree programs. Upon successful completion of a student’s study plan, UBC and UH will each determine whether the student has fulfilled that institution’s graduation requirements for its master’s program and will officially confirm the student’s eligibility for degree conferral.  

Students will graduate from each institution when they complete the program requirements of that institution. Students may attend the convocation ceremonies of both institutions. The student will receive two parchments: 

  • UBC, Master of Forestry (M.F.); and 

  • UH, Master of Science (M.Sc.) in Agriculture and Forestry 

Each institution manages its own degree requirements. Students must meet each institution’s admission and continuation requirements; however, only those credits administered by the specific institution will apply towards that institution’s continuation policies. Students are required to comply with all policies, procedures, rules, and regulations of the host institution during their studies at the host institution, as well as any other policies, procedures, rules, or regulations placed upon them by the home institution during the period of their participation in the GREEN BUSINESS Program. 

All students must remain registered at UBC for the duration of their studies in in the GREEN BUSINESS Program.  

GREEN BUSINESS students with UBC as the designated Home Institution will pay the M.F. tuition assessment and student fees for a minimum of two years (6 terms), but will receive a tuition fee waiver at the University of Helsinki (UH). Other UH fees may be assessed. 

GREEN BUSINESS students with UBC as their designated host institution will receive a tuition fee waiver for each term they are registered in the M.F. at UBC, but will pay all other required student fees.  

For further information on the UBC M.F. program, including information on applying, please see the UBC Faculty of Forestry M.F. program web-site at:

Master of International Forestry

Admission Requirements

Students admitted to the M.I.F. Program must meet the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies master's degree admission requirements. Applicants must have an academic background in science, social science, or a related discipline with adequate grounding in natural resource conservation and management. As part of the application package, applicants are required to submit a professional/educational dossier and statement of interest.

The minimum TOEFL score requirement for admission is 100 (internet-based) or 600 (paper-based).

Program Requirements

The M.I.F. is a one-year course-based degree program consisting of 31 credits: 28 required credits and a 3-credit internship or project.

The 28 course credits must include the following courses, or alternates as approved by the Program Director:

  • FRST_V 519 (3)
  • FRST_V 522 (3)
  • FRST_V 534 (3)
  • FRST_V 543 (3)
  • FRST_V 553 (3)
  • FRST_V 559 (3)
  • FRST_V 560 (3)
  • FRST_V 562 (4)
  • FRST_V 526 (3)
  • FCOR_V 510 (1.5)
  • FCOR_V 511 (1.5)

Master of Sustainable Forest Management

Admission Requirements

Students admitted to the M.S.F.M. Program must meet the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies master's degree admission requirements. Applicants must have a science-based academic background with prior coursework in biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics, introductory statistics, ecology, and economics. As part of the application package, applicants are required to submit a professional/educational dossier and statement of interest.

The minimum TOEFL score requirement for admission is 100 (internet-based) or 600 (paper-based).

Program Requirements

  • The M.S.F.M. is a 9-month non-thesis degree program consisting of 33 credits:
  • FRST_V 555 (3)
  • FRST_V 556 (3)
  • FRST_V 557 (5)
  • FRST_V 558 (7)
  • FCOR_V 510 (1.5)
  • FCOR_V 511 (1.5)
  • 12 elective credits, as approved by the program

Master of Geomatics for Environmental Management

Admission Requirements

Students must meet the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies master’s degree admission requirements. Applicants must have an academic background in a relevant field (e.g. environmental science, computer science, geography). Please consult the program website for additional details regarding academic background requirements, and a list of required application documents.

Students must have a minimum TOEFL score of 100–ibt or equivalent (IELTS = 7.0 minimum overall score with sub-category minimum scores of 6.5).

Program Requirements

  • The M.G.E.M is a nine-month non-thesis degree program consisting of 30 credits:
  • GEM_V 500 (3)
  • GEM_V 510 (3)
  • GEM_V 511 (3)
  • GEM_V 520 (3)
  • GEM_V 521 (3)
  • GEM_V 530 (3)
  • GEM_V 540 (3)
  • FCOR_V 510 (1.5)
  • FCOR_V 511 (1.5)
  • FCOR_V 599 (6)

Alternative core courses may be allowed if approved by the Program Director.

Master of Urban Forestry Leadership

Admission Requirements

Students must meet the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies master’s degree admission requirements. Applicants must have an academic background in a relevant field (e.g. urban forestry, forestry, environmental science, geography, engineering, social sciences). Please consult the program website for additional details regarding academic background requirements, and a list of required application documents. 

For information on the English Language Requirements for admission please refer to English Language Proficiency Standards and GRE Requirements.

Part-time Master’s Classification is also available. Students who wish to be classified as part-time must obtain approval from their graduate program advisor and the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies prior to the beginning of the first term of the program. Once registered part-time, students cannot switch to full-time status.

Program Requirements

The M.U.F.L is delivered either as a 13-month, four term, non-thesis, full-time program or a 25-month, seven term, non-thesis, part-time program. Students should consult the M.U.F.L program website for more information on both the full-time and part-time options. It consists of 30 required credits:

  • UFOR_V 500 (3)
  • UFOR_V 511 (1.5)
  • UFOR_V 512 (3)
  • UFOR_V 521 (3)
  • UFOR_V 522 (3)
  • UFOR_V 523 (1.5)
  • UFOR_V 531 (6)
  • FCOR_V 510 (1.5)
  • FCOR_V 511 (1.5)
  • FCOR_V 599 (6)

Alternative courses may be allowed if approved by the Program Director.

Contact Information

Forestry Graduate Programs Office
2005-2424 Main Mall
Vancouver, BC, Canada V6T 1Z4
Tel: 604.822.0056
Erica Triggs, Director, Graduate Student Academic Services

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