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Civil Engineering

Degrees Offered: Ph.D., M.A.Sc.



P. E. Adebar, N. Banthia, P. Bérubé, R. J. Fannin, T. Haukaas, A. Kim, B. Laval, G. A. Lawrence, B.J. Lence, L. Li, T. A. Sayed, S. Staub-French, M. Taiebat, R. Vaziri, C. E. Ventura, D. Wijewickreme, T. Y. Yang.

Professor Emeritus

S-T. Chieng, W.D.L. Finn, R. Foschi, E.R. Hall, M. Isaacson, K.V. Lo, D.S. Mavinic, S. Mindess, F.P.D. Navin, M.D. Olson, M.C. Quick, A. D. Russell, R. Sexsmith, S. Stiemer, Y. Vaid.

Associate Professor

A. Bigazzi, J. Jelovica,J. Lee, C. Molina Hutt, O. Swei,S. Weijs, R. M. Ziels.

Associate Professor Emeritus

J. W. Atwater, G.R. Brown, R. Spencer.

Assistant Professor

S. Beck, B. Kalyan, E. Murphy, R. Scholes.

Program Overview

Civil Engineering offers two graduate degree programs under the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies: Master of Applied Science (M.A.Sc.), and Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.). In each of these programs, students may select one of several areas of specialization.

Persons interested in taking a coursework-based graduate degree may apply to the M.Eng. program (see below), and those interested in taking advanced graduate courses, but who do not wish to undertake a full graduate degree program, may apply on an unclassified (i.e., non-degree) basis through Enrolment Services.

Doctor of Philosophy

Admission Requirements

Students admitted to the Ph.D. degree will normally possess a master's degree in civil engineering or a related discipline with a minimum GPA of B+ (76%-79%) and with clear evidence of research ability or potential. Transfer from the M.A.Sc. to the Ph.D. program is permitted under UBC regulations.

Program Requirements

This research degree is offered in any one of several areas of specialization. Successful completion of the Ph.D. program requires the successful completion of coursework requirements, the comprehensive examination, the proposal defence and the PhD dissertation meeting the requirements of the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies. The minimum number of course credits required beyond the bachelor's degree is 30; however, students generally need about one full year of coursework beyond a master's degree. No more than 6 credits of coursework can be taken as directed studies. The dissertation research is undertaken under the close supervision of, and consultation with, the Research Supervisor. Completion of the degree, including coursework, normally takes four to five years.

For further information on the Ph.D. program in Civil Engineering, visit the Ph.D. Program.

Master of Applied Science

Admission Requirements

Students admitted to the M.A.Sc program will normally possess a bachelor's degree in civil engineering or a related discipline with a minimum GPA of B+ (76-79%) and must meet the general admission requirements for master's degree programs set by the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies.

Program Requirements

The M.A.Sc. requires completion of a minimum of 30 credits, made up of at least 18 credits of coursework and the completion of a 12-credit master's thesis. At least 12 credits in graduate courses in civil engineering subjects are required. No more than 6 credits of coursework can be taken as directed studies.

Students can complete the coursework requirements for the M.A.Sc. in two terms (Term 1: September- December, Term 2: January-April). Following completion of coursework requirements, M.A.Sc. students work full- time on directed research. It usually takes 16 to 24 months of full-time study to complete the coursework and thesis requirements of the M.A.Sc. program.

For further information on the M.A.Sc. program in Civil Engineering, visit the M.A.Sc. Program.

Master of Engineering

For information on the Master of Engineering (M.Eng.) program in Civil Engineering, visit the M.Eng. Program.

Contact Information

Department of Civil Engineering
Attn: Graduate Support
2002 - 6250 Applied Science Lane
Vancouver, BC, Canada V6T 1Z4
Tel: 604.822.0667

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