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Ancient Culture, Religion, and Ethnicity

Degree Offered: M.A.



L. Bablitz, E. Cooper, F. De Angelis, G. E. Gardner, M. Griffin, C. W. Marshall, S. J. Milstein, T. Schneider.

Associate Professor

K. Fisher, S. McElduff, F. Yoon.

Assistant Professor

M. Daniels, K. Huemoeller, M. McCarty, R. Philbrick, I. Soon, P. Yoo.

Program Overview

The graduate program in Ancient Culture, Religion, and Ethnicity offers a course of instruction leading to a Master of Arts (M.A.). For detailed information, see the Program.

Master of Arts

Admission Requirements

Students admitted to the M.A. program must possess a Bachelor of Arts in Classics (Greek and Latin), Classical Studies (non-language program), Near Eastern Studies, Religious Studies, or a related discipline, and must meet the general admission requirements for master's degree programs set by the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies.

For details on the language prerequisites, see the Program.

Program Requirements

The M.A. program requires 24 credits of coursework and the writing of an MA thesis worth 6 credits (CNRS_V 549 or AMNE_V 599). The 24 credits of coursework must include CNRS_V or AMNE_V 500, and 18 must be numbered 500 or higher. The remaining 6 credits may, at the discretion of the program, be at the 300- or 400-level.

Ancient Language Requirements

Entry into the program requires at least 18 credits at the 300 and 400 level in Classical, Near Eastern and Religious Studies, and/or in classical languages. For details on language prerequisites see the Program.

Modern Language Requirements

Students are required to demonstrate reading knowledge of an approved modern language (usually French, German or Italian). This requirement must be met before the end of the first year of study. Any courses taken to satisfy this requirement do not count towards the 30 credits required for the program.

Contact Information

Ancient Mediterranean and Near Eastern Studies
Buchanan C227, 1866 Main Mall
Vancouver, BC, Canada V6T 1Z1
Tel: 604.827.1635
Sheri Pak, Graduate Program Advisor

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