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Adult Learning and Global Change


Degree Offered: M.Ed.



M. Kovach, A. Mazawi, T. Sork, A. Taylor, R. VanWynsberghe.

Professors Emeriti

S. Butterwick, K. Rubenson, P. Walter.

Associate Professors

H. Shan, M. Stack, J. Walker

Associate Professors Emeritus

J. Chan

Program Overview

UBC, in cooperation with universities in South Africa (University of the Western Cape) and Sweden (Linköping University), offers an innovative online, coursework-only, professional graduate program in Adult Learning and Global Change. Instructors in required courses are drawn from these four universities, so students benefit from a truly international instructional staff.

This program is for those seeking multiple, critical perspectives on the central role adult learning plays as individuals and communities engage with the positive and negative effects of globalization. The program attracts those interested in international development work, cross-cultural education and training, the role of education in addressing various global health and environmental issues, promoting social justice in the face of economic globalization, and learning more about adult education around the world.

Master of Education

Admission Requirements

Applicants to the M.Ed. program are expected to meet the admission requirements of the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies.

For detailed information about admission requirements, please see the Program.

Program Requirements

Students proceed through the two-year, 30-credit M.Ed. program as a cohort drawn from the four participating institutions and will get to know one another well, working together in various groupings throughout the program.

Required courses are sequenced so that, with careful planning of electives, all requirements can be completed in 24 months. The 9 credits of electives may be taken at any time and are usually selected from on-campus courses (for those in the Vancouver area), from various distance-mode courses at UBC and elsewhere, and from directed studies courses tailored to student interests. For detailed information about course requirements, please see the Program.

Contact Information

Department of Educational Studies
Education Centre at Ponderosa Commons
6445 University Boulevard
Vancouver, BC, Canada V6T 1Z2
Tel: 604.822.6647 (Graduate Program Assistant)
Fax: 604.822.4244

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