You are reading the 2025/26 Academic Calendar. The 2024/25 version remains in effect until August 31, 2025 and is available here.

Degree Requirements

First Year 
APBI_V 2003
BIOL_V 12113
CONS_V 2003
ECON_V 101 or FRST_V 1013
ENGL_V 110, 111, 112, FRST_V 150, NRES_V 150, or LFS_V 1503
CONS_V 2103
UFOR_V 1003
UFOR_V 1103
Restricted Electives2,36
Total Credits30


Second Year 
CONS_V 340 or NRES_V 2413
UFOR_V 2313
FRST_V or NRES_V 2003
FRST_V or NRES_V 2013
FRST_V or NRES_V 2103
PLAN_V 2213
UFOR_V 2003
WOOD_V or NRES_V 2253
UFOR_V 2203
Restricted Electives2,33
Total Credits30


Third Year and Fourth Year
FRST_V 443 or NRES_V 3413
CONS_V 4813
FRST_V 370 or PLAN_V 321 or CONS_V 3703
UFOR_V 3303
UFOR_V 3163
LARC_V 4443
UFOR_V 3003
UFOR_V 4019
UFOR_V 4023
UFOR_V 4953
Restricted Electives29
Minor Course Pool418
Total Credits63
UFOR_V 400 Immediately following third year3
1 Students without Biology 11 or 12 should take BIOL_V 111 as one of their restricted electives in order to take BIOL_V 121, a required course for all 1st year BUF students.
2 Restricted electives:
First year courses (total of 6 credits) must be chosen from: 
APBI_V 244/GEOS_V 204 (3), BIOL_V 111 (3) 1, CONS_V 101 (3), FOPR_V 264 (4), FRST_V 100 (3) or FRST_V 110, FRST_V 231 or NRES_V 231 (3), FRST_V 232 or NRES_V 232 (3), GEOS_V 102 (3), GEOS_V 103 (3), GEOG_V 250 (3), MATH_V 100 (3) or MATH_V 190 (3), or other MATH_V 100 level course. CHEM_V 121/123, and PHYS_V 100 level.  SOCI_V 101 (3) or SOCI_V 102 (3) (students who are going to the UGM minor may wish to take CHEM_V 123 or PHYS_V 100 level as one of the restricted electives).

Second year onward courses (total of 9 credits) must be chosen from: 
FRST_V 231 or NRES_V 231 (3) (Co-requisite: One of MATH_V 100/180/184/190), APBI_V 402 (3), COMM_V 388 (3), CONS_V 330 (3), CONS_V 370 (3), DES_V 130 (3), DES_V 220 (3), DES_V 230 (3), DES_V 200 (3), FRST_V 239 (3) (pre-reqs FRST_V 231 or NRES_V 231 and FRST_V 232 or NRES_V 232), FRST_V 318 (3), FRST_V 395 (3), FRST_V 399 (3), FRST_V 410 (3), FRST_V 444 (3), GEOG_V 351 (3), NRES_V 441 (3), PLAN_V 425 (3) (pre-req one of URST_V 200, GEOG_V 350), FRE_V 374 (3)
3 Students interested in pursuing the minor in commerce must take MATH_V 100 and ECON_V 102 as an elective in first or second year.  
4 Students wishing to complete a Minor must take all of the courses from one of the three Minor pools listed below. Students who do not wish to select a Minor must select 6 courses (18 credits total) from either of the pools for Urban Greenspace Management or Landscape and Recreation Planning. 

Minor in Urban Greenspace Management

FRST_V 30513
FRST_V 3073
One of FRST_V 385, EOSC_V 329, GEOS_V 30523
UFOR_V 4203
One of FRST_V 411, APBI_V 402, APBI_V 4033
UFOR_V 403 or FRST_V 3203
1 Prerequisite FRST_V 201 (3) and one of FRST_V 351 (2) and UFOR_V 400 (3)  
2 Prerequisites: One of GEOS_V 200, GEOS_V 204, APBI_V 244, ATSC_V 201 (and one of PHYS_V 100-level or CHEM_V 123).  

Minor in Landscape and Recreation Planning

FRST_V 4903
FRST_V 4443
One of FRST_V 492, PLAN_V 351, CONS_V 4403
LARC_V 415 or UFOR_V 4203
CONS_V 4913
GEOG_V 311 or PLAN_V 4253

Minor in Commerce

Students in B.U.F. who desire a foundation in business are encouraged to consider the Minor in Commerce. Enrolment in this program is limited. An application form may be obtained from the Dean's Office. The completed form must be returned no later than May 15. At the time of application, students must be eligible for third-year standing in their major with a cumulative average of at least 68% in the previous two years. Applicants must have successfully completed one of MATH_V 100, 102, 104, 180, or 184 and both of ECON_V 101/FRST_V 101 and ECON_V 102 (or ECON_V 310/FRST_V 101 and ECON_V 311). Meeting the stated requirements does not guarantee admission to the program.  

The program consists of: 

COMR_V 3293
COMR_V 4573
COMR_V 4653
COMR_V 4733
COMR_V 4933
One of COMM_V 204, COMR_V 398, COMR_V 4583

Upon successful completion of this Minor program, the notation "Minor in Commerce" will appear on the student's transcript. 

The Commerce Minor is intended to be completed over two years. 

Please note: students can only complete one Minor.

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