You are reading the 2025/26 Academic Calendar. The 2024/25 version remains in effect until August 31, 2025 and is available here.


T. E. Burgess and D. E. Lane Memorial Lectureship in Forestry

In memory of Thomas E. Burgess and David E. Lane, vice-presidents of long standing with BC Forest Products Limited, a fund has been established by Mrs. Dorothy Burgess and Mrs. Evelyn Lane and Fletcher Challenge Canada Ltd., to provide for the presentation and publication of special lectures in forestry by outstanding authorities in forestry or the forest industry.

Leslie L. Schaffer Lectureship in Forest Science

In memory of Leslie L. Schaffer, D.Sc., former executive vice-president of Western Plywood Co. Ltd., a fund has been established by Mrs. Leslie L. Schaffer to finance lectures and publications by visiting forest scientists.

The Namkoong Family Lectureship

This endowed lectureship was established by the late professor Gene Namkoong, former Head of Forest Sciences at UBC, and his wife Carol, to promote the study and development of science or philosophy pertaining to the sustainability and conservation of forests.

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