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The major in Conservation is an interdisciplinary program designed to prepare students for careers in the conservation of natural resources. The program provides students with a solid foundation across several disciplines including the natural and social sciences underlying the conservation and management of natural resources, an appreciation for the political and socioeconomic contexts that affect the design and outcomes of conservation and management strategies, and a working knowledge of technologically advanced tools and quantitative techniques available to renewable resources planners and managers. Throughout the program, emphasis is placed on developing communication skills, both oral and written, including approaches to public participation in natural resources planning.

Students can select a specialization upon completion of second year. Acceptance into a specialization may be limited by demand, in which case acceptance will be based on academic standing at the completion of second year. Students who do not select a specialization can follow an academic program guided by their Program Director.  Acceptable courses are listed on the Major's website.

The Science and Management Specialization focuses on the conservation and management of renewable natural resources, and landscape and local level planning for both terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. A notable feature of this major is the Integrated Field School, a semester-long course divided into modules, each concentrating on a particular component of B.C.'s environment.

The Global Perspectives Specialization focuses on the conservation and management of renewable and non-renewable resources, policy formation, and planning within a global context. Two notable features of the major are the international education that students receive through term-long study abroad or through an intensive short-term international field school, and the global issues capstone course which uses case studies and modelling approaches to explore the effects of decision-making on resource sustainability. Acceptance into the Global Perspectives specialization may be limited by demand, in which case acceptance will be based on academic standing at the completion of second year.

Upon successful completion of this Major, the notation “Major in Conservation" will be placed on the student's transcript."

Degree Requirements

First Year 
APBI_V 2003
BIOL_V 1213
CHEM_V 111 or 1214
ECON_V 1013
ENGL_V 110, ENGL_V 111 or NRES_V 22513
NRES_V 150 OR WRDS_V 1503
GEOS_V 1033
MATH_V 10023
NRES_V 100 OR 11033
NRES_V 1031
Total Credits32
Second Year 
CONS_V 2003
CONS_V 2103
NRES_V 2003
NRES_V 2013
NRES_V 2103
NRES_V 2113
NRES_V 23153
NRES_V 2323
SOCI_V 101 or 1023
Total Credits30
1 NRES_V 225 does not count toward the dual degree with Education. Students interested in this option should take ENGL_V 110 or 111.
2 Students without previous knowledge of calculus may take MATH_V 180 or 184 (4 credits), or MATH_V 110 (6 credits) if a grade of 80% in MATH 12 (or equivalent course) was not achieved, but the credit difference cannot be applied towards program elective requirements. MATH_V 190 may also be taken, but is a terminal course and not recommended for students who would like to take further MATH_V courses.
3 NRES_V 110 is restricted to students in the Land One cohort.
4 Students interested in pursuing the minor in commerce must take ECON_V 102 as an elective in first or second year. 
5 Could be replaced with BIOL_V 300.

Specialization in Science and Management

Third Year 
CONS_V 3303
NRES_V 2413
CONS_V 4813
FRST_V 31813
FRST_V 3853
FRST_V 3863
FRST_V 3953
SOCI_V 360 or GEOG_V 3103
Total Credits30
Fourth Year 
CONS_V 4403
CONS_V 451215
NRES_V 3413
FRST_V 4953
CONS_V 4863
CONS_V 498 or Elective33
Total Credits30
1 Could be replaced with ECON_V 371 or 374 (3 credits).
2 An integrated course taught in Term 1. Registration is restricted to this course only during Term 1 and only to students in fourth year if NRC program.
3 Must be a course numbered 300 or higher.
4 Elective must be a course numbered 300 or higher. To be chosen in consultation with the program advisor.

Specialization in Global Perspectives

Courses which meet the requirements in each of the following areas may be requested from the program administrators.

Third and Fourth Years 
NRES_V 3413
CONS_V 3303
One of NRES_V 241, NRES_V 340 or GEOS_V 2703
CONS_V 45212
Core Areas115
Resource Systems29
Cultural Experience4 
Total Credits60
1 One 3-credit course for each of the following topic areas: (i) resources and economics; (ii) resources and society; (iii) international policy/governance and resources; (iv) indigenous perspectives; and (v) globalization. Acceptable courses are listed on the Major's website.
2 One 3-credit course in three out of the following four topic areas: (i) oceanography/fisheries/water systems; (ii) aquaculture/food systems; (iii) forestry systems; and (iv) energy/mineral systems. Acceptable courses are listed on the Major's website.
3 Credits of electives must be selected from the Resources Systems list. 6 credits of electives may be general, of which at least 9 credits must be at the 300-/400-level. An undergraduate thesis (CONS_V 498) may be taken in place of 3 credits of 300-/400 level electives.
4 The cultural experience requirement may be met by a minimum of one term study abroad, or one term cultural exchange, a two-four week international field school, an international co-op placement, an international internship, or cultural-based volunteer experience. It is determined in consultation with Forestry Student Services.

Courses Toward Registration as a Professional Forester in BC

Students who wish to work toward membership in the Association of BC Forest Professionals (ABCFP) are advised to contact the ABCFP or the Director of Student Services in the Faculty of Forestry for information on appropriate courses to add to their program.

Courses Toward Registration as a Professional Biologist in BC

Students who wish to work towards membership in the College of Applied Biology of BC (CABBC) should contact the College of Applied Biology for course and other membership requirements.

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