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Graduate Certificate in Forest Management and Conservation

The Graduate Certificate in Forest Management and Conservation (GCFMC) is an online program that provides interdisciplinary training in forest management and policy, conservation and forest sciences, and emerging technologies to equip students to become versatile professionals in this field. Courses are offered in the Fall, Winter and Summer terms, delivered online with asynchronous and synchronous discussion activities and assignments.

Admission Requirements

Applicants must have an academic background in a relevant forest, natural or environmental science field.

Applicants must meet the minimum admission requirements established by the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies.

  • For applicants with Canadian or USA credentials: The academic equivalent of a four-year bachelor’s degree with a minimum overall average in the B+ range in third- and fourth-year courses (at UBC, these are courses numbered 300-499).
  • For applicants with International credentials, requirements vary by country. The minimum standards as outlined by the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies will apply; see the full list of requirements for international credentials.
  • English Language Proficiency: Applicants with university credentials from outside Canada for which English is not the primary language of instruction must provide evidence of English language proficiency equivalent to the minimum standards acceptable by the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies.

Program Requirements

Students must complete the 15-credit requirement in a maximum of two years, with registration in a total of 5, 3-credit courses selected from the following list:

Required (core) course:

  • FOPE_V 500 (3)

Elective courses:

  • FOPE_V 501 (3)
  • FOPE_V 502 (3)
  • FOPE_V 503 (3)
  • FOPE_V 504 (3)
  • FOPE_V 505 (3)
  • CONS_V 506 (3)
  • FOPE_V 507 (3)
  • FOPE_V 508 (3)
  • FOPE_V 509 (3)
  • FOPE_V 510 (3)
  • FOPE_V 511 (3)
  • FOPE_V 512 (3)
  • FOPE_V 513 (3)
  • FOPE_V 514 (3)

Student Assessment/Grading Methods

Grading scale and assessment of satisfactory progress will align with the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies standards for Master’s-level students.

Contact Information

Forestry Graduate Programs Office
2005-2424 Main Mall
Vancouver, BC, Canada V6T 1Z4
Tel: 604.827.4454
Fax: 604.822.8645
Erica Triggs, Director, Graduate Student Academic Services

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