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Graduate Programs

Graduate programs in Education are offered by various units in the Faculty of Education, as well as by the Faculty as a whole. For graduate program descriptions and admission requirements, please see Education Graduate Programs or visit the Education unit offering the program:

Please visit Graduate Programs and Research for more information.

Master's Degrees

Master's students are admitted to UBC by the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies on recommendation of the home department. The following policies and procedures govern all students registered in master's programs. Students are advised to check with their appropriate units regarding specific departmental policies and additional requirements relating to their graduate program.

The Master of Educational Technology (M.E.T.) is a Faculty of Education joint degree program offered online. See graduate Educational Technology.

Graduate Certificates

Graduate Certificate in Adult Learning and Education (GCALE)

Adult learning and education continues well beyond the completion of formal secondary and post-secondary education. It is a lifelong and life-wide phenomenon found in many workplaces and in many community contexts. The Graduate Certificate in Adult Learning and Education (GCALE) is designed to deepen the knowledge and skills of those involved with the design, delivery, and evaluation of adult learning and education activities that occur across diverse sites including community, business, non-profit, and public service institutions. The Certificate program provides participants with enhanced knowledge and skills of the principles, practices, histories, and philosophies of adult learning and education. It is intended for professionals and educators responsible for managing, designing, and/or instructing in programs for adult learners.

Admission, including language proficiency requirements, will be the same as for the Master of Education in Adult Learning and Education. Students studying in, or who have completed, the GCALE may apply for admission to the MEd in Adult Learning and Education or the MA in Educational Studies, Adult Learning and Education concentration, and request transfer of up to four certificate courses (12 credits) toward the requirements of those programs.

Certificate Requirements

All students must complete four courses (12 credits) from the Adult Learning and Education M.Ed. program including: EDST_V 503 (3); EDST_V 514 (3); EDST_V 518 (3); plus one 3-credit elective at the graduate level (i.e. 500+) or senior undergraduate level (i.e. 300+). Satisfactory progress as defined by the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies for master's students must be maintained. Students must complete their requirements within five years of admission.

Tuition Fees

Course-based tuition fees apply.

Graduate Certificate in Educational Leadership and Administration

The Certificate in Educational Leadership and Administration engages students in learning that will help them understand, critique, and improve their educational practice to better serve children, communities, and the wider society.

Admission, including language proficiency requirements, will be the same as for admission to the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies the Master of Education in Educational Administration and Leadership.

Students in the Educational Leadership and Administration certificate program may apply for admission to the Educational Leadership and Administration Master of Education program and transfer up to four certificate courses (12 credits) towards completion of the degree.

Certificate Requirements

A student must complete four courses (12 credits). Three of the four courses must be core courses (EDST_V 532, EDST_V 581, and EDST_V 582). In addition, students will take one elective course in the Faculty of Education as approved by the pro tem advisor.

Students must maintain satisfactory progress as defined by the University for master’s students.

Graduate Certificate in High Performance Coaching and Technical Leadership

The UBC Certificate in High Performance Coaching and Technical Leadership is a one-year, 12 credit specialized program for experienced sport coaches and technical managers who are looking to advance in their careers. Through a partnership with the leading national agencies in high performance sport, an international quality program is offered using a blended delivery model.

The program provides a strong foundation for present and future coaches and technical leaders by developing knowledge and skills in the interpretation and use of research, balanced with applied coaching practice. The development of skills in analysis and evidence-based decision-making has been identified as a critical need by national sport leaders, and this program helps develop the next generation of sport leaders for Canada.

A blended model of residential periods and online teaching methods facilitates the participation of candidates from across Canada and around the world. The program is integrated into the sport federations’ national coaching qualifications, providing national certification together with academic credentials. The program will start with a 5-day orientation, introducing the three formal courses (KIN_V 515, 585 & 586) and establishing work plans for Practical Applications in High Performance Sport (KIN_V 597). The courses will be delivered online with added synchronous classes scheduled throughout the fall and winter terms. All courses will conclude with a face-to-face session.


Candidates will normally have a Bachelor’s degree in Human Kinetics, Physical Education, Kinesiology or other related field of study with a minimum of 76% in upper division courses, as well as:

  • 5 years of coaching experience, including coaching athletes at the national team or Canada Games level, or 5 years as a carded National Team athlete;
  • National Coaching Certification Program qualification at level 3 or “Competition Development”;
  • recommendation of the National Sport Organization; and
  • submission of a portfolio showing an annual training plan the candidate has developed and implemented, other evidence of their practical coaching, and any articles or coaching materials they have produced.

Alternatively, applicants may be considered for admission who do not meet the academic requirements stated above, but who have had significant formal training and relevant professional experience, and/or otherwise possess demonstrable knowledge or expertise that would prepare them adequately for successful study in the graduate certificate program.

Assessment standards will be concordant with those employed by the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies.

Certificate Requirements

Courses: each 3 credits (total 12 credits)

  1. KIN_V 515 - Gap Analysis
  2. KIN_V 585 - Performance Planning
  3. KIN_V 586 - Coaching Effectiveness
  4. KIN_V 597 - Practical Applications in High Performance Sport

Graduate Certificate in Higher Education

The Graduate Certificate in Higher Education GCHIED is designed to meet the continuing professional development needs of those involved in the field of higher education. This certificate is intended for individuals teaching, supporting, or monitoring roles in public and private institutions of higher education in British Columbia and beyond. Students will complete coursework on the following topics: an introduction to the field of higher education; the historical, philosophical, economic, and sociological foundations of higher education; organization and administration of higher education; and the Canadian systems of higher education.


Language proficiency requirements, will be the same as for the Master of Higher Education.

Students studying in, or who have completed, the GCHIED may apply for admission to the MEd in Higher Education or the MA in Educational Studies, Higher Education concentration, and request transfer of up to four certificate courses (12 credits) toward the requirements of those programs.

Certificate Requirements

All students must complete EDST_V 493 (3); EDST_V 521(3); EDST_V 511 (3); and EDST_V 536 (3).

Satisfactory progress as defined by the Faculty of Graduate Studies for master’s programs must be maintained. Students must complete their requirements within 5 years of admission.

Graduate Certificate in Orientation and Mobility (O&M)

The O&M Certificate program is designed for individuals who wish to work as O&M specialists. The Program prepares students to teach all age ranges of individuals who are blind or visually impaired to travel safely and efficiently through their environments. The Program takes place in-person during two summers with an online course between the summer sessions. A 350-hour internship is also a required component. Completion of the Certificate qualifies individuals to apply to take the exam to become a Certified Orientation and Mobility Specialist (COMS) through ACVREP (Academy for the Certification of Vision Rehabilitation and Education Professionals), one of the main professional certifying bodies for O&M in North America.


Eligibility is based on current enrolment in the Blindness and Visual Impairment concentration within the Special Education program, completion of an approved teacher of the visually impaired program, or completion of a bachelor degree in another area and successful completion of 4 additional courses (pre-requisite background knowledge): EPSE_V 540 (or equivalent); EPSE_V 455 (or equivalent); EPSE_V 513(or equivalent); EPSE_V 536 (or equivalent).

Certificate Requirements

All students must successfully complete 4 courses (15 credits): EPSE_V 514 (6 credits); EPSE_V 537 (3 credits); EPSE_V 538 (3 credits); EPSE_V 598 (field experiences/internship; 3 credits).

Graduate Certificate in Educational Technology (GCET)

The Graduate Certificate in Educational Technology (GCET) is intended for professionals who are responsible for managing and designing education and educational resources for online and blended learning in all learning contexts and at all levels (early childhood to adult).

Admission, including language proficiency requirements, will be the same as for the Master of Educational Technology (M.E.T.).

Students in the Graduate Certificate in Educational Technology program may apply for admission to the Master of Educational Technology program and may transfer up to fifteen certificate credits towards completion of the M.E.T. degree.

Certificate Requirements

Students must complete five ETEC_V courses (15 credits). ETEC_V 500 is required and must be one of the first two courses taken.

Students must also complete one of the following core ETEC_V courses: ETEC_V 510, ETEC_V 511, ETEC_V 512. The remaining three courses may be selected from all available ETEC_V courses.

All courses will be delivered online. Satisfactory progress as defined by the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies for master's programs must be maintained.

Graduate Certificate in Technology-Based Learning for Schools (TBLS)

Please note, this program is no longer accepting new admissions.

All courses will be delivered online. Satisfactory progress as defined by the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies for master's programs must be maintained.

Admission, including language proficiency requirements, will be the same as for the Master of Educational Technology (M.E.T.).

Students in the TBLS certificate program may apply for admission to the M.E.T. and transfer up to five certificate courses towards completion of the degree.

Certificate Requirements

Students must complete five ETEC_V courses (15 credits). ETEC_V 500 is required and must be one of the first two courses taken.

Students must also complete one of the following core ETEC_V courses: ETEC_V 510, ETEC_V 511, ETEC_V 512. The remaining three courses may be selected from all available ETEC_V courses.

All courses will be delivered online. Satisfactory progress as defined by the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies for master's programs must be maintained.

Tuition Fees

Course-based tuition fees apply. Fees will be the same as for the M.E.T. For more information, please see the M.E.T.

Off-Campus Graduate Programs

It may be possible for the Faculty of Education to organize graduate programs which have off-campus components offered at locations throughout BC. For further information, contact the Professional Development & Community Engagement; telephone: 604.822.2013.


UBC Crest The official logo of the University of British Columbia. Urgent Message An exclamation mark in a speech bubble. Caret An arrowhead indicating direction. Arrow An arrow indicating direction. Arrow in Circle An arrow indicating direction. Arrow in Circle An arrow indicating direction. Chats Two speech clouds. Facebook The logo for the Facebook social media service. Information The letter 'i' in a circle. Instagram The logo for the Instagram social media service. Linkedin The logo for the LinkedIn social media service. Location Pin A map location pin. Mail An envelope. Menu Three horizontal lines indicating a menu. Minus A minus sign. Pencil A pencil indicating that this is editable. Telephone An antique telephone. Plus A plus symbol indicating more or the ability to add. Search A magnifying glass. Twitter The logo for the Twitter social media service. Youtube The logo for the YouTube video sharing service.