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Dual Degree Program Option: M.B.A. / M.B.A.N.

The dual degree program option permits qualified applicants the opportunity to earn a Master of Business Administration and Master of Business Analytics.

Admission Requirements

Applicants wishing to pursue the dual degree option will apply specifically for the dual degree, and the application will be reviewed jointly by the UBC MBA and UBC MBAN Admissions Committees. Applicants must meet the qualifications and requirements of both programs at the time of application in order to be eligible for the dual degree option. Applicants not given offers for the dual degree option will be evaluated for admission to each program separately.

Program Requirements

Completion of the MBA MBAN dual degree program requires 71.5 credits of coursework completed over 2 years of full-time study.

MBA advanced (non-foundational) credits can be completed from courses offered in the MBA program, the Professional MBA program, the International MBA Program, and selected global learning opportunities offered by the Robert H. Lee Graduate School. Each student’s coursework must be approved by the Program Directors. A complete list of the courses required for successful completion may be obtained from the School.

Special Arrangements

Subject to the approval of the Assistant Dean, Robert H. Lee Graduate School, Sauder School of Business, the first years of the MBA and MBAN program may be exchanged upon a reasonably justified request.

Academic Regulations

Refer to the Academic Calendar for academic regulations.

Contact Information

Please see the MBA Program and MBAN Program websites for further program and contact information.

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