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Diploma in Accounting Program

Professional accounting is a respected career path that offers stimulating work, generous compensation and numerous opportunities for growth and advancement. The post-baccalaureate UBC Sauder Diploma in Accounting Program (DAP) bridges the gap for non-accounting degree graduates aspiring to earn a professional accounting designation, but lacking the prerequisite courses, to transition to a new career.

DAP offers all prerequisite courses required for entry into the Chartered Professional Accountants (CPA) Professional Education Program (PEP). By combining the Diploma in Accounting with the knowledge gained through previous university studies, DAP graduates can create a leverageable career advantage.

Visit DAP or contact the DAP Office by email or phone at 604.822.8412.


Applicants to DAP are required to have completed a four-year undergraduate degree with a minimum overall average of 65% in the last two years (60 credits) of study through a recognized university program.

Applicants are also required to demonstrate English language proficiency, which can be achieved through one of the following options:

  • An undergraduate or graduate degree from a recognized university in which English was the official language of instruction; OR
  • An English language proficiency exam, either TOEFL iBT or IELTS Academic. TOEFL: overall score of 90, reading and listening with 22 each, and writing and speaking with 21 each (Use University Institution Code 0517); IELTS: overall score of 6.5 with no part less than 6.0.

The DAP program accepts new students three times a year, in January, May and September.


Program Start DateApplication Deadlines
JanuaryNovember 1
MayMarch 1
SeptemberJuly 1

Diploma Requirements

The DAP curriculum consists of 15 courses, 45 credits in total, which cover the theoretical and practical knowledge and skills required to excel in a career in accounting and business. In addition, the program develops enabling competencies in critical thinking, analytical problem solving, communication, and technical skills necessary to be effective in an accounting role.

The program requires the equivalent of 16 months’ full-time study and offers classes in variety of delivery formats: in-person evenings and weekend classes, online, and blended which combines both in-person and online components. Working students have the flexibility to take the program part time and have up to 24 months to complete their courses.

Students can enrol in a maximum of 5 courses per winter term and 3 courses per summer term. Optional elective courses allow students to satisfy the specific requirements of the professional accounting designation programs.

Diploma in Accounting

DAP CoursesCredits
BUSI_V 2913
BUSI_V 2933
BUSI_V 2943
BUSI_V 2953
BUSI_V 3353
BUSI_V 35313
BUSI_V 35413
BUSI_V 35513
BUSI_V 3703
BUSI_V 3933
BUSI_V 41413
BUSI_V 45013
BUSI_V 45313
BUSI_V 45513
BUSI_V 49313
Total Credits45
1 Must be completed through DAP with a minimum overall average of 60% to fulfill graduation requirements (includes grades from all attempts at the given course).

The Quantitative Methods (QM) Preparation Course

The demanding nature of the Program requires that students have an adequate understanding of business statistics, quantitative decision-making methods, time value of money concepts, economic issues and decision-making, and business computing. For individuals who have not completed prior economic and statistics coursework, participation in the QM Preparation Course is recommended. It is also an option for individuals wanting to brush up on their skills and improve the ability to perform in an accounting or business decision-making context.

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