You are reading the 2025/26 Academic Calendar. The 2024/25 version remains in effect until August 31, 2025 and is available here.

Academic Regulations

The following regulations regarding Commerce courses apply:

  1. Students are admitted to the B.Com. program, not to particular fields of concentration (options). Enrolment in required option courses may be limited. Students may select their option in the summer registration period prior to third year, but must make their choice no later than the end of Term 1 of Winter Session of the third year in the program. While it may be possible to change options at the end of Term 1, there may not be sufficient space in all of the required courses. Because registration access is based on GPA, students with lower marks will register later and may be unable to gain admission to the option of their first choice. For this reason students are encouraged to plan for a second and third choice. Changes to options made at the end of Term 1 require the approval of the Undergraduate Office.
  2. Each option program assumes that there is a normal sequence of courses, as listed by the Faculty. Students are expected to recognize these normal sequences in planning their program. Any exceptions must be approved by the director or associate director of the undergraduate program.
  3. Students may be required to undertake field work in the business community.
  4. A charge may be made for material supplied by the Faculty for use in classes.
  5. Courses in Commerce generally are reserved for students registered in a degree program in Commerce. However, there are exceptions to this regulation. Special arrangements have been made for students registered in other faculties in programs, as approved by Senate, which specifically require Commerce courses. Non-Commerce students should consult their faculty to see if such arrangements have been made for their program of study.
  6. Students who have obtained a First Class average (80% or higher) in their third year may elect to register for up to 6 credits of 500-level courses chosen in consultation with the chair of the division, the instructor, and the director or associate director of the undergraduate program.

Dean's List

The words "Dean's List" will be placed on a student's transcript if they have achieved an average of 80% or better in a Winter Session. To be eligible, a Winter Session must contain at least 24 percentage-graded credits. Students in a co-operative education program who are registered at UBC for only one term in Winter Session because of a co-op placement must be in a program of at least 12 credits for that term. Grades obtained by students registered in a study abroad or exchange program during the Winter Session will be considered. To qualify, a student must pass all courses.

Degree Completion

Students must complete their degree requirements within six years of their original admission into the Faculty of Commerce and Business Administration.

Degree with Honours

The words "with Honours" will be placed on the transcript of record and the degree certificate of a student graduating with the Bachelor of Commerce where the average is 80% or better in all upper-level Commerce courses. Grades obtained by students registered in a study abroad and exchange program will be considered. As well, the student must be enrolled in a 24 percentage-graded credit course load in Winter Session in at least one of year 3 or year 4.

Program Approval

Students are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of registration as it relates to the regulations of the program in which they are enrolled. Any variation from a full load must be approved by an academic advisor in the Undergraduate Office.

Unsatisfactory Performance

Students whose performance in the Faculty is unsatisfactory will be required to discontinue study in the Faculty for at least one year. Students who have failed to meet the continuation requirements of the University will be considered to have failed the year and will be required to discontinue study in the University for at least one year. Continuation requirements are listed in the table Summary of Continuation Requirements below and are subject to the following:

  1. Student performance is considered unsatisfactory when the average taken in any year, including failed courses, is below 60%.
  2. Students who fail the year or are required to discontinue study in the Faculty may apply for readmission only after 12 months.
  3. Students at any level of university study who are required for a second time to discontinue studies in the Faculty, whether in repeating a year or in a later year, will be required to withdraw from the University. Readmission to Commerce in such cases is normally not granted.
  4. Any students whose academic records, as determined by the tests and examinations of Term 1, are found to be unsatisfactory may be required to discontinue attendance in Commerce for the remainder of the session.

Summary of Continuation Requirements

Winter Session Average Sessional StandingContinuation Status
60% or more PassEligible to continue
Less than 60% FailRequired to discontinue

Advancement Requirements

The B.Com. is a full-time four-year program. Students are expected to register in a full load of courses unless they have been granted advanced standing.

  1. To earn a promotion from first to second year, a student must have completed a minimum of 24 credits including all of COMM_V 101, COMM_V 105, ECON_V 101, ECON_V 102, MATH_V 100, and two of COMM_V 190, COMM_V 191, COMM_V 192, COMM_V 196.
  2. To earn a promotion from second to third year, a student must have completed 49 credits including all required courses from first year, COMM_V 202, and at least four of COMM_V 203, COMM_V 204, COMM_V 205, COMM_V 293, COMM_V 294, COMM_V 295, COMM_V 296, COMM_V 298.
  3. To earn a promotion from third to fourth year, a student must have completed 73 credits, including all required courses from first and second year, two option core courses, and at least two of COMM_V 393, COMM_V 394, COMM_V 396.

For students in the Combined Major in Business and Computer Science (BUCS) program:

  1. To earn a promotion from first to second year, a student must have completed a minimum of 24 credits including all of COMM_V 101, COMM_V 105, ECON_V 101, ECON_V 102, MATH_V 100, CPSC_V 110 and one of COMM_V 192, COMM_V 196, CPSC_V 121.
  2. To earn a promotion from second to third year, a student must have completed a minimum of 51 credits of the first- and second-year BUCS program including all required courses from first year and COMM_V 190, COMM_V 202, COMM_V 205, CPSC_V 210.
  3. To earn a promotion from third to fourth year, a student must have completed a minimum of 82 credits including all required courses from first and second year; one of CPSC_V 304, CPSC_V 310; all of COMM_V 203, COMM_V 296; and at least two of COMM_V 204, COMM_V 393, COMM_V 396.

Advancement Requirements (in 2024/25 or Later)

The B.Com. is a full-time four-year program. Students are expected to register in a full load of courses unless they have been granted advanced standing.

  1. To earn a promotion from first to second year, a student must have completed a minimum of 24 cumulative credits including all of COMM_V 101, COMM_V 105, COMM_V 196.
  2. To earn a promotion from second to third year, a student must have completed a minimum of 49 cumulative credits including COMM_V 202 and 27 credits from COMM_V 190, COMM_V 191, COMM_V 192, COMM_V 196, COMM_V 203, COMM_V 204, COMM_V 205, COMM_V 293, COMM_V 294, COMM_V 295, COMM_V 296, COMM_V 298. Students who have transferred to the program in second year must also complete all of COMM_V 105, COMM_V 196.
  3. To earn a promotion from third to fourth year, a student must have completed 73 cumulative credits, including 6 credits of option courses and 6 credits from COMM_V 393, COMM_V 394, COMM_V 396. Students who have transferred to the program in third year must also complete all of COMM_V 105, COMM_V 196, COMM_V 202. All students should complete all required courses from first and second year by the end of third year.

For students in the Combined Major in Business and Computer Science (BUCS) program:

  1. To earn a promotion from first to second year, a student must have completed a minimum of 24 cumulative credits including all of COMM_V 101, COMM_V 105, COMM_V 196, CPSC_V 110.
  2. To earn a promotion from second to third year, a student must have completed a minimum of 51 cumulative credits of the first- and second-year BUCS program including all of CPSC_V 210, MATH_V 101, and 18 credits from COMM_V 190, COMM_V 191, COMM_V 192, COMM_V 203, COMM_V 204, COMM_V 205, COMM_V 293, COMM_V 294, COMM_V 295, COMM_V 298. Students who have transferred to the program in second year must also complete all of COMM_V 105, COMM_V 196.
  3. To earn a promotion from third to fourth year, a student must have completed a minimum of 82 cumulative credits including all of COMM_V 202, COMM_V 396, and one of CPSC_V 304, CPSC_V 310. Students who have transferred to the program in third year must also complete COMM_V 105. All students should complete all required courses from first and second year by the end of third year.

UBC Crest The official logo of the University of British Columbia. Urgent Message An exclamation mark in a speech bubble. Caret An arrowhead indicating direction. Arrow An arrow indicating direction. Arrow in Circle An arrow indicating direction. Arrow in Circle An arrow indicating direction. Chats Two speech clouds. Facebook The logo for the Facebook social media service. Information The letter 'i' in a circle. Instagram The logo for the Instagram social media service. Linkedin The logo for the LinkedIn social media service. Location Pin A map location pin. Mail An envelope. Menu Three horizontal lines indicating a menu. Minus A minus sign. Pencil A pencil indicating that this is editable. Telephone An antique telephone. Plus A plus symbol indicating more or the ability to add. Search A magnifying glass. Twitter The logo for the Twitter social media service. Youtube The logo for the YouTube video sharing service.