You are reading the 2025/26 Academic Calendar. The 2024/25 version remains in effect until August 31, 2025 and is available here.

Medieval Studies

Students intending to specialize in Medieval Studies may do so either by taking an interdisciplinary major program in Medieval Studies, or by completing a major program in a particular department of the Faculty of Arts, with outside electives taken from the courses listed below. The Committee for Medieval Studies prepares an annual brochure offering guidance on the program and individual course offerings, available online at the Medieval Studies website and from the Medieval Studies advisor, as well as from the departments of Classical, Near Eastern and Religious Studies, French, Hispanic, and Italian Studies, English, and History. For permission to arrange their program students must consult the Medieval Studies advisor.

Major in Medieval Studies

The interdisciplinary major program consists of at least 42.

Lower Level Requirements

Students must complete at least 12 credits of lower level courses

  • MDVL_V 210 (3)
  • 9 credits selected from: ARTH_V 225, CLST_V 110, CLST_V 111, CLST_V/PHIL_V 211 and 212, CLST_V 232, ENGL_V 220, ENGL_V 230, FREN_V 220, HIST_V 101, HIST_V 202, ITST_V 231, MUSC_V 120, RMST_V 221, and/or courses approved by the Medieval Studies advisor1

1 Students should also develop the appropriate language skills as soon as possible.

Upper Level Requirements

Students must complete at least 30 credits of courses numbered 300 or above, including:

  • MDVL_V 310
  • MDVL_V 490
  • 24 credits of approved coursework1

1 Approved elective courses, including those listed below, must be pre-approved by and chosen in consultation with the Medieval Studies advisor. Students should consult with the departments offering these courses and plan their third and fourth years at the same time, as not every course is offered every year and some courses have prerequisites.

All courses are 3 credits unless otherwise indicated.

  • ARBC_V 420
  • ARTH_V 310, 311, 312, 313, 321, 323, 351 (3-6), 352, 353, 359, 360, 362, 432
  • ASIA_V 314, 317, 318, 320, 328, 340, 344, 358, 398
  • CLST_V 308, 312, 319, 353
  • ENGL_V 318, 319, 340, 343, 344 (3-12), 346 (3-6), 352, 356, 417 (3-6)
  • FREN_V 320, 348, 360, 407 (3-6), 460
  • GERM_V 360
  • HIST_V 341, 347, 363, 364, 365, 378, 379, 387, 424, 470, 473, 474, 476, 477, 478
  • ITAL_V 303, 403, 404, 405
  • ITST_V 413, 414, 415
  • MDVL_V 301, 302, 310, 440 (3-6), 449 (6-12), 490 (3-6)
  • MUSC_V 352
  • NEST_V 310
  • PHIL_V 310 (3-4), 311 (3-4), 313 (3-4), 412 (3-4)
  • RELG_V 315 (6), 320 (3-6), 321 (3-6), 328, 331, 335, 341 (3-6), 408, 448, 485
  • RMST_V 420, 468
  • SCAN_V 335, 415, 501 (3-6)
  • SPAN_V 357, 410, 468

Space in many Arts courses is limited. Admission to the Major in Medieval Studies does not provide priority access to required coursework.

Minor in Medieval Studies

A minor in Medieval Studies consists of at least 30 but fewer than 42 credits from courses acceptable for the Medieval Studies major listed above or approved by the Medieval Studies advisor. At least 18 credits must be from courses numbered 300 or above, and at least 6 credits must come from 100- or 200-level courses. MDVL_V 210 (3) and 310 (3) are required.

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