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Arts Studies

The Faculty of Arts offers special topics and interdisciplinary courses for upper-division students in the Faculty of Arts and two second-year level courses in the UBC-Ritsumeikan Joint Program.

  • Distinguished Visitors (ASTU_V 401) (3-6). Special topics course offered by distinguished visitors in the Faculty of Arts. Topics announced annually.
  • Interdisciplinary Studies in Arts (ASTU_V 400). The Faculty of Arts offers interdisciplinary courses taught by Faculty members from two or more departments. These courses appear cross-listed under the relevant departments. Topics announced annually.
  • UBC-Ritsumeikan Joint Program (ASTU_V 201, ASTU_V 202). These two courses explore the relations between, and compare facets of, Canadian and Japanese societies. Offered as part of a joint academic program with Ritsumeikan University in Kyoto, they are taught jointly by UBC and Ritsumeikan faculty members and normally include students from both universities.

Descriptions of these courses can be found under Arts Studies (ASTU_V) in Courses. Further details are available from the relevant departments, from the director of the UBC-Ritsumeikan Joint Program (UBC-Ritsumeikan House), and from Arts Academic Advising Services (Buchanan D111).

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