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Museum Studies

The Museum of Anthropology and the Department of Anthropology offer training in museum principles and methods for both undergraduate and graduate students.

Theory combines with practical experience provided in laboratory sessions and workshops. Core courses are ANTH_V 341, 431, 432, 451, 452, and 518. It is recommended that students take additional courses in museum-related subjects offered by this department or by other departments such as Asian Studies; Classical, Near Eastern and Religious Studies; Art History, Visual Art, and Theory; History; and Archival Studies. Additional opportunities for tutorials, workshops, internships, and job training are offered to students by special arrangement.

Graduate work in Museum Studies may be pursued at the Master's or Doctor of Philosophy levels as a component of the degree programs in Anthropology or in combination with other disciplines such as Asian Studies; Classical, Near Eastern and Religious Studies; Art History, Visual Art, and Theory; or History in accordance with the degree requirements of those departments.

Students wishing to obtain a Master's Degree in Critical Curatorial Studies should apply through Art History, Visual Art, and Theory.

People already working in the museum community who wish to upgrade their knowledge and skills without entering a formal degree program or becoming full-time students should contact the Museum of Anthropology for information about course options. Admission to credit courses is subject to university regulations for admission as an unclassified student or auditor, and the permission of the instructor.

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