You are reading the 2025/26 Academic Calendar. The 2024/25 version remains in effect until August 31, 2025 and is available here.

Geographic Information Science and Geographical Computation

GIS&GC is a program administered through the Department of Geography.

Students interested in Environment and Sustainability or Human Geography should refer to Geography.

Minor in Geographic Information Science and Geographical Computation (GIS&GC)

The minor consists of 30 credits, of which 18 credits must be at the 300-level or above.

Lower-level Requirements

12 credits, consisting of:

  • CPSC_V 103 or CPSC_V 110
  • 3 credits from GEOB_V/GEOS_V1 102, 103, GEOG_V 121, 122
  • GEOB_V/GEOS_V1 270
  • 3 credits from GEOB_V/GEOS_V1 200, 206, 207, GEOG_V 211, 220, 250, 290, SOCI_V 260, CPSC_V 107, DSCI_V 100

Upper-level Requirements

18 GEOG_V or GEOB_V/GEOS_V1 credits, consisting of:

  • GEOB_V/GEOS_V 370
  • GEOB_V/GEOS_V 372
  • GEOG_V 374*
  • 9 credits as: Minimum of 6 credits from GEOB_V/GEOS_V 373, 407, 472, 479, GEOG_V 314, 450 Maximum of 3 credits from FNIS_V 454, PHIL_V 461, PLAN_V 331, 341, 425, BIOL_V 314

*With permission of departmental advisor, students may substitute GEOG_V 374 with similar courses listed under the Science Credit Exclusion List.

1As of 2021S, the course code GEOS_V replaced the course code GEOB_V. There were no changes to course content.

Some of these courses may have prerequisites; students should consult Departmental requirements before registering.

Interested students should Geography Academic Advising for more information at or 604.822.2020.

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