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Environment and Society

Minor in Environment and Society

The Minor in Environment and Society allows students to consider and explore both the consequences of humankind’s actions on the environment and how the accumulating impact of these actions increasingly affects us. Some science content is included, as it is essential to understanding the effect our actions and decisions have on the environment and human health. However, the majority of content is examined from the perspective of the humanities and social sciences, through the Arts disciplines that focus on the human experience; provide insight into the origins of the wide range of issues related to our place in and interaction with the environment; consider our ethical obligations to each other and future generations; and examine the political, economic, and social strategies that might be employed to address environmental problems and promote a sustainable society.

The Minor in Environment and Society allows students to complement their major program of study with an interdisciplinary minor drawn from the large number of relevant courses offered by Arts, Science and other Faculties.

It consists of 21 credits: 15 credits from List A (Environment and Society) and 6 credits from List B (Environmental Sciences). Approved course lists are available on the Environment and Society website and are updated annually.

At least 18 of the 21 required credits for the minor must be taken at the 300-level or above. A maximum of 3 credits taken at the 100- or 200-level is permitted towards the minor. Some courses approved for the minor may not be offered every year, and many of the courses listed below have prerequisites. Students should therefore plan their courses of study in advance.

Students enrolled in Faculties other than Arts who are interested in the Minor in Environment and Society should consult an advisor in their home Faculty.

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