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United States Studies

United States Studies is an interdisciplinary undergraduate program administered by the Department of Political Science. In consultation with a program advisor, students may complete a major or a minor in the program. The participating departments are Political Science, History, and Economics.

Major in United States Studies

Please consult the United States Studies website for up-to-date information on the requirements for the U.S. Studies Major.

First and Second Years
ECON_V 101/1026
HIST_V 2373
POLI_V 2203

Upper-Level Courses (30 credits)

Thirty upper-division credits in courses designated as eligible for inclusion in a US Studies major or minor.

  • 6-12 credits of eligible courses in economics
  • 6-12 credits of eligible courses in history
  • 6-12 credits of eligible courses in political science (Must include POLI_V 320A, Government and Politics of the United States of America, preferably taken in the third year.)
  • One of the above courses (3 credits) must be a fourth-year seminar or other course that includes a substantial research component.

May include:

  • Up to 6 credits in eligible courses in other departments, including but not limited to Anthropology, English, Geography, and Sociology.

Please visit US Studies for a partial list of eligible courses. Other courses with US content may be eligible, subject to program approval.

Senior Seminar

All students must take at least one 3-credit senior seminar designated as part of the US Studies program. These seminars will usually be offered in History or Political Science. Other departments may offer seminars, from time to time, that may be counted in the Program. Please consult the United States Studies program advisor about seminar offerings in other Departments.

Minor in United States Studies

A Minor consists of at least 30 credits, but not more than 42 credits. At least 9 credits must be selected from ECON_V 101/102 (6), HIST_V 237 (6), POLI_V 220 (3). At least 18 credits chosen from the courses listed for the Major in United States Studies that are numbered 300 or higher. Students should make careful note of prerequisite requirements for courses numbered 300 or higher.

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