You are reading the 2025/26 Academic Calendar. The 2024/25 version remains in effect until August 31, 2025 and is available here.


The Department of Theatre and Film offers undergraduate programs of study that lead to the degrees of Bachelor of Arts in Theatre (major and honours), Bachelor of Fine Arts in Acting, and Bachelor of Fine Arts in Theatre Design and Production.

For details about current offerings, consult the Department.

For information on the Bachelor of Fine Arts programs, see Bachelor of Fine Arts.

For information on advanced degrees, see graduate Theatre.

Major in Theatre

Theatre majors must complete at least 42 credits in theatre and drama.

First and Second Years

At least 12 credits in theatre and drama, including THTR_V 210 and THTR_V 211.

Third and Fourth Years

At least 30 credits in theatre, numbered 300 and above. At least 18 credits must be selected from the following: THTR_V 310, THTR_V 311, THTR_V 320, THTR_V 323, THTR_V 325, THTR_V 340, THTR_V 410, THTR_V 420, THTR_V 425, THTR_V 440, THTR_V 443, THTR_V 445.

Honours in Theatre

Students are admitted to the Honours program only by application. Honours applicants must have a minimum of 76% in THTR_V 210 and 211.

Honours students must complete a total of at least 60 credits in theatre and drama including the mandatory THTR_V 445 and THTR_V 449. At least 48 credits must be numbered 300 and above. At least 15 credits must be selected from the following: THTR_V 310, THTR_V 311, THTR_V 320, THTR_V 323, THTR_V 325, THTR_V 340, THTR_V 410, THTR_V 420, THTR_V 425, THTR_V 440, THTR_V 443, THTR_V 445.

Minor in Theatre

Students must take at least 30 credits in theatre and drama, including:

  • a minimum of 3 credits from THTR_V 210, 211
  • a minimum of 6 credits from THTR_V 310, THTR_V 311, THTR_V 320, THTR_V 323, THTR_V 325, THTR_V 340, THTR_V 410, THTR_V 420, THTR_V 425, THTR_V 440, THTR_V 443, THTR_V 445
  • a minimum of 18 credits in courses numbered 300 or above.


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