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Romance Studies


The Department of French, Hispanic and Italian Studies offers a program of study in Romance Studies that leads to the Bachelor of Arts.

Major in Romance Studies

A Major in Romance Studies requires the completion of 42 credits, at least 30 of which must be at the 300- or 400-level. Students must have completed at least one of FREN_V 202, ITAL_V 202, SPAN_V 202, or PORT_V 202, or demonstrated a proficiency level of A2 on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) in one of the Romance languages by the completion of this program. Students are encouraged to consult with the FHIS Student Programs Coordinator as early in their degree program as possible for guidance in planning a course of study that will best prepare them to achieve their academic and professional goals within the field.


Language Credits: 6

  • 6 credits of 200-level in FREN_V, ITAL_V, SPAN_V, or PORT_V. Students with no prior background in any of these Romance languages are encouraged to take lower-level courses towards this requirement. If students already have a proficiency level of A2 on CEFR in one Romance language, students may be exempt from this requirement. Please contact FHIS Student Programs Coordinator for further inquiry.

Lower-level or Language Option Credits: 6

  • 6 credits of RMST_V 100, 201, 202, 260, 270, 280 or FREN_V, ITAL_V, SPAN_V, PORT_V, CTLN_V or LATN at any level.1

1These 6 credits cannot be exempt even though students already have a proficiency level of A2 on CEFR in one Romance language. For example, if a student has a A2 level in French, this student can choose to take upper-level courses in French OR can also take lower-level courses in one or several other Romance languages.

RMST_V 300-level Required Credits: 9

  • RMST_V 300, RMST_V 301, and RMST_V 302

RMST_V 300-level or higher Elective Credits: 21

21 credits total chosen from at least two of the following clusters:2

Cluster R – Romance Studies:

  • RMST_V 303 (3) Short Fiction in Romance Literatures
  • RMST_V 304 (3) Afterlife of the Text: Rewritings and Adaptations
  • RMST_V 305 (3) Introduction to Romance Language Cinema
  • RMST_V 306 (3) Language Contact and Multilingualism in the Romance-speaking World
  • RMST_V 307 (3) Myths, Legends and Tales in Romance Literatures and Cultures 
  • RMST_V 310 (3-9) Special Topics in Romance Studies 
  • RMST_V 395 (3-6) Special Topics Abroad 
  • RMST_V 400 (3) Romance Linguistics
  • RMST_V 402 (3) Visions of Nature and the Environment in the Romance World
  • RMST_V 419 (3) Studies in Romance Languages and Literature
  • RMST_V 495 (3) Research Intensive Seminar in Romance Studies

Cluster A – French:

  • RMST_V 321 (3) French Literature from the Middle Ages to the Revolution
  • RMST_V 322 (3) French Literatures since the Revolution
  • RMST_V 324 (3) Quebecois Literature and Culture
  • RMST_V 325 (3) French Cultural Identities
  • RMST_V 420 (3-9) Special Topics in Francophone Studies

Cluster B – Italian:

  • RMST_V 341 (3) Shifting Identities in Medieval and Early Modern Italy
  • RMST_V 342 (3) Italy since the Industrial Revolution
  • RMST_V 343 (3) Masterpieces of the Novella in Italian Literature
  • RMST_V 345 (3) Italian Fascism in Interdisciplinary Perspective
  • RMST_V 350 (3-9) Special Topics in Italian Studies
  • RMST_V 355 (3) Italian Cinema: Neorealism
  • RMST_V 452 (3) Italian Cinema in its Cultural Background
  • RMST_V 453 (3) Dante Alighieri's Divine Comedy
  • RMST_V 454 (3) Topics in the Italian Literature and Culture of the Middle Ages
  • RMST_V 455 (3) Topics in the Italian Literature and Culture of the Renaissance
  • RMST_V 456 (3) Classics of Seventeenth-Century Italian Literature and Culture 
  • RMST_V 457 (3) Classics of Eighteenth-Century Italian Literature and Culture 
  • RMST_V 458 (3) Topics in Nineteenth-Century Italian Literature and Culture 
  • RMST_V 459 (3) Topics in Modern and Contemporary Italian Literature and Culture

Cluster C – Portuguese:

  • RMST_V 361 (3) Studies in Portuguese and Brazilian Literature or PORT_V 392 (3) Studies in Portuguese and Brazilian Literature (in English)
  • RMST_V 460 (3) Studies in Portuguese and Brazilian Culture or PORT_V 405 (3) Studies in Portuguese and Brazilian Culture

Cluster D – Spanish:

  • RMST_V 371 (3) The Global Renaissance: Hispanic Cross-Cultural Contacts 
  • RMST_V 372 (3) Hopscotch: Topics in Hispanic Literature or SPAN_V 312 (3) Hopscotch: Topics in Hispanic Literature (in English)
  • RMST_V 373 (3) Masterpieces in Hispanic Literature
  • RMST_V 374 (3) Mapping Gendered Spaces in Hispanic Literature and Culture 
  • RMST_V 375 (3) The Caribbean: Frontiers of the Romance World 
  • RMST_V 376 (3) Genre Transgressions in the Hispanic World 
  • RMST_V 470 (3-9) Special Topics in Hispanic Studies  

Cluster E – Other Languages:

  • RMST_V 390 (3) Barcelona

2Elective course requirements can also be fulfilled by language, literature, and culture classes taught in the target language (French, Italian, Spanish or other approved Romance languages) when students meet the necessary proficiency requirements in that language. Please contact FHIS Student Programs Coordinator for further inquiry.

Honours in Romance Studies


Students wishing to enter the Honours program must apply directly to the FHIS Student Programs Coordinator. Applicants must have:

  • at least third-year standing, or be entering Year 3,
  • a B+ average in their overall degree program,
  • completed RMST_V 300, 301, and 302
  • completed one of FREN_V 202, ITAL_V 202, SPAN_V 202, or PORT_V 202, or demonstrated a proficiency level of A2 on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages in at least one of these languages.

Students must have completed at least one of FREN_V 302, ITAL_V 302, SPAN_V 302, or demonstrated a proficiency level of B1 on the CEFR for Languages in one of the Romance languages by the completion of this program. Students must complete a total of 60 credits and 48 credits of which must be at 300-level or above.


Language Credits: 121

  • 6 credits of 200-level in FREN_V, ITAL_V, SPAN_V, or PORT_V. Students with no prior background in any of these Romance languages are encouraged to take lower-level courses towards this requirement. If students already have a proficiency level of A2 on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages in one of these Romance languages, students may be exempt from this requirement. Please contact FHIS Student Programs Coordinator for further inquiry.
  • 6 credits in any of these Romance languages, chosen from the following1:
    • FREN_V 301 (3) Intermediate French I
    • FREN_V 302 (3) Intermediate French II
    • ITAL_V 301 (3) Intermediate Italian I
    • ITAL_V 302 (3) Intermediate Italian II
    • SPAN_V 301 (3) Intermediate Spanish I
    • SPAN_V 302 (3) Intermediate Spanish II
    • PORT_V 301 (3) Advanced Portuguese
  • 1If students already have 300-level proficiency in one Romance language, they are to take 6 credits of another Romance language or other literature/culture courses at the upper-level. Please contact FHIS Student Programs Coordinator for further inquiry.
  • Lower-level or Language Option Credits: 6
    • 6 credits of RMST_V 100, 201, 202, 260, 270, 280 or FREN_V, ITAL, SPAN_V, PORT_V, CTLN_V or LATN at any level.2
  • 2These 6 credits cannot be exempt even though students already have a proficiency level of A2 on CEFR in one language. For example, if a student has a A2 level in French, this student can choose to take upper-level courses in French OR can also take lower-level courses in one or several other Romance languages.
  • RMST_V 300-level Required Credits: 9
    • RMST_V 300, RMST_V 301, and RMST_V 302
  • RMST_V 499 Honours Essay: 3
    • 3 credits of RMST_V 499
  • RMST_V 300-level or higher Elective Credits: 30
  • 30 credits chosen from at least two of the following clusters:
    Same as for Major.

Minor in Romance Studies

  • A Minor in Romance Studies requires the completion of 30 credits, at least 18 of which must be at the 300- or 400-level. Students must have completed at least one of FREN_V 102, ITAL_V 102, SPAN_V 102, or PORT_V 102, or demonstrated a proficiency level of A1 on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages in one of the Romance languages by the completion of this program. Students are encouraged to consult with the FHIS Student Programs Coordinator as early in their degree program as possible for guidance in planning a course of study that will best prepare them to achieve their academic and professional goals within the field.


  • Language Credits: 6
    • 6 credits of 100-level or above in FREN_V, ITAL_V, SPAN_V, PORT_V or CTLN_V. Students with no prior background in any of these Romance languages are encouraged to take lower-level courses towards this requirement. If students already have a proficiency level of A1 on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages in one Romance language, students may be exempt from this requirement. Please contact FHIS Student Programs Coordinator for further inquiry.
  • Lower-level or Language Option Credits: 6
    • 6 credits of RMST_V 100, 201, 202, 260, 270, 280 or FREN_V, ITAL_V, SPAN_V, PORT_V, CTLN_V or LATN at any level.1
  • 1These 6 credits cannot be exempt even though students already have a proficiency level of A1 on CEFR in one language. For example, if a student completed Grade 11 Core French or FREN_V 102, this student can choose to take more courses in French OR can also take lower-level courses in one or several other Romance languages.
  • RMST_V 300-level Required Credits: 9
    • RMST_V 300, RMST_V 301, and RMST_V 302
  • RMST_V 300-level or higher Elective Credits: 9
  • 9 credits chosen from at least two of the following clusters:
    Same as Major

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