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Program in the Study of Religion

The Program in the Study of Religion is an interdisciplinary undergraduate program that includes a major, minor and Honours. It offers students an opportunity to study a variety of religions from a number of disciplinary perspectives, incorporating different regions and historical periods, while allowing students to specialize in religious traditions of their choice.

Major in the Study of Religion

The Program consists of five core courses (three lower-level and two upper-level), supplemented by courses distributed between different areas of study. Students must take three core RGST_V courses, one AMNE course in the Department of Ancient Mediterranean and Near Eastern Studies and one ASIA_V course in the Department of Asian Studies, and a number of courses from the broader list of other departments (Art History, Visual Art and Theory, Anthropology, etc.) which you can find on our program website. Students select their courses with the help of a program advisor.

Lower-level Requirements

Students must complete 12 credits at the lower level:

  • AMNE_V 160 or RGST_V 160 and ASIA_V 110
  • RGST_V 200
  • One additional 3-credit course from list of approved 100-200 level courses which may include relevant languages.1 Please see program website for details.

1Students are encouraged to pursue language study appropriate and necessary to their area of interest, in conversation with their academic advisor.

Upper-level Requirements

Students must complete 30 credits at the upper level:

  • RGST_V 300 (3) Theory and Method in the Study of Religion
  • RGST_V 400 (3) Advanced Seminar in the Study of Religion
  • 6 credits in Area A (Religion in the Contemporary World)
  • 6 credits in Area B (Religious Cultures and Expressions)
  • 6 credits in Area C (Religious Histories)
  • 3 credits in Area D (Theory and Method)
  • 3 additional credits in any of the four Areas

For a list of approved courses in each of the four program Areas, please see the Program in the Study of Religion website.

Honours in the Study of Religion

The Honours program is open to outstanding students and is mainly intended for those students who plan to pursue graduate studies. Admission to the Honours program is by permission of the Honours Program Coordinator for the Program in the Study of Religion (PiR) and requires that students demonstrate a strong overall performance in RGST_V courses and courses that are included in the list of approved courses for credit towards a Major in the Study of Religion (e.g., ASIA_V, AMNE, ANTH, PHIL, RELG_V). For a list of approved courses in each of the four program Areas, please see the Program in the Study of Religion website. Students are expected to maintain a 76% average in the program.

Lower-level Requirements

As for the Major in the Study of Religion.

Upper-level Requirements

Students must complete 48 credits at the upper level:

  • RGST_V 300 (3) Theory and Method in the Study of Religion
  • RGST_V 400 (3) Advanced Seminar in the Study of Religion
  • RGST_V 499 (6) Honours Thesis
  • 6 credits in Area A (Religion in the Contemporary World)
  • 6 credits in Area B (Religious Cultures and Expressions)
  • 6 credits in Area C (Religious Histories)
  • 3 credits in Area D (Theory and Method)
  • 15 additional credits in any of the four Areas

For a list of approved courses in each of the four program Areas, please see the Program in the Study of Religion website.

Minor in the Study of Religion

Lower-level Requirements

Students must complete 12 credits at the lower level:

  • AMNE_V 160 or RGST_V 160 and ASIA_V 110
  • RGST_V 200
  • One additional 3-credit course from list of approved 100-200 level courses which may include relevant languages.1 Please see program website for details.

1Students are encouraged to pursue language study appropriate and necessary to their area of interest, in conversation with their academic advisor.

Upper-level Requirements

Students must complete 18 credits at the upper level:

  • RGST_V 300 (3) Theory and Method in the Study of Religion
  • RGST_V 400 (3) Advanced Seminar in the Study of Religion
  • 12 credits chosen from Areas A-D

For a list of approved courses in each of the four program Areas, please see the Program in the Study of Religion website.


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