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Minor in Commerce

Students desiring a stronger foundation in business are encouraged to consider the Minor in Commerce. Upon successful completion of this minor program, the notation "Minor in Commerce" will be placed on the student's transcript.

Enrolment in the program is limited. Applications for admission must be made through Engineering Academic Services by May 15. For an application to be considered, the student must be eligible for at least third-year standing in the Faculty of Applied Science with a cumulative average of at least 68% in the previous two years. Meeting the stated minimum requirements does not guarantee admission into the minor. Preference will be given to students who have already completed ECON_V 310 and 311 (or ECON_V 101 and 102). The program will consist of the following:

COMR_V 4573
COMR_V 4653
One of COMR_V 329, 458 or 4733
ECON_V 310 (or 101)3
ECON_V 311 (or 102)3
An engineering economics course appropriate for the program in which the student is enrolled3
Total Credits18

Note that ECON_V 310 (or 101) and ECON_V 311 (or 102) meet the 6-credit humanities and social sciences elective component of the complementary studies course requirements; and the engineering economics course meets the 3-credit engineering economics component of the complementary studies course requirements. Therefore, it is possible for students to count 9 credits of their complementary studies course requirements towards the requirements of the Minor in Commerce with the appropriate course selection. Counting of one 3-credit Commerce course as a technical elective towards B.A.Sc. program requirements is only allowed if explicitly indicated on the program’s website. Therefore, the Minor may entail as few as 9 credits, not 18, of additional coursework beyond the requirements of the B.A.Sc. degree.

Minor in Commerce students will take two years to obtain the necessary course requirements due to prerequisite requirements.

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