You are reading the 2025/26 Academic Calendar. The 2024/25 version remains in effect until August 31, 2025 and is available here.

Mining Engineering

Mining Engineering is concerned with the optimal exploitation of mineral resources while minimizing environmental impact. The discipline requires a broad knowledge of engineering and scientific subjects.

Mining Engineering

Second Year 
APSC_V 2013
CIVL_V 2104
EOSC_V 2103
MATH_V 2533
MATH_V 255 or MATH_V 2563
MECH_V 2603
MECH_V 280, CIVL_V 215, or CHBE_V 2513 (4)
MINE_V 2003
MINE_V 2013
MINE_V 2024
MINE_V 2931
STAT_V 2513
Complementary Studies electives13
Total Credits39 (40)
Third Year 
APSC_V 2783
APSC_V 2791
ELEC_V 2033
MINE_V 3024
MINE_V 3034
MINE_V 3104
MINE_V 3313
MINE_V 3333
MINE_V 3503
MINE_V 3803
MINE_V 3963
Complementary Studies Electives23
Total Credits37
Fourth Year 
APSC_V 4502
MINE_V 4023
MINE_V 4033
MINE_V 4323
MINE_V 4653
MINE_V 4863
MINE_V 4916
MINE_V 4443
MINE_V 4473
Technical Electives9
Total Credits38
1 See Complementary Studies Courses.
2 Selected with the approval of the Department.


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