You are reading the 2025/26 Academic Calendar. The 2024/25 version remains in effect until August 31, 2025 and is available here.

Integrated Engineering

Integrated Engineering (IGEN) is a multi-disciplinary engineering program that places a strong focus on team-based engineering design by means of three full year project courses. In addition to developing a broad foundation in engineering, the student develops primary and secondary knowledge in specific engineering disciplines via 18 credits of technical electives in third and fourth year.

Completion of a B.A.Sc. in Integrated Engineering will normally take four years of study. Students may enter the program from first-year Applied Science or via transfer from the first-year Science or Engineering transfer program at a community college. Students entering from first-year Science will normally have course deficiencies that must be made up. Consult the IGEN Student Advisor for assistance in such cases.

There is a Co-operative Education option (Co-op) where students normally take eight academic semesters and five Co-op semesters over a five-year period. Students normally apply for Co-op between January of first year and September of the second year of the program. Visit Engineering Co-op for more information.

All inquiries concerning the program should be directed to the Program Director. See Integrated Engineering for contact information.

Integrated Engineering Program

Second Year 
APSC_V 2783
APSC_V 2791
CHBE_V 2413
CHBE_V 2443
CIVL_V 2154
CPEN_V 3123
ELEC_V 2044
ELEC_V 2051
IGEN_V 20113
IGEN_V 2306
MATH_V 2533
MATH_V 2553
MECH_V 2603
Total Credits40
Third Year 
CHBE_V 3443
COMR_V 2803
ELEC_V 3443
IGEN_V 3306
MECH_V 3603
MECH_V 3753
MTRL_V 2803
STAT_V 2513
One of CHBE_V 356, ELEC_V 3414
Technical electives26
Complementary Studies electives33
Total Credits40
Fourth Year 
APSC_V 4502
CIVL_V 3053
IGEN_V 4306
MTRL_V 3403
One of MINE_V 455 or MINE_V 4653
One of CHBE_V 459, CIVL_V 403, ELEC_V 481, MECH_V 431, MINE_V 396, MTRL_V 4553
Technical electives212
Complementary Studies electives33
Total Credits35
1 Students failing IGEN_V 201 will be required to pass APSC_V 201 subsequently. 
2 Of the 18 credits of technical electives, 9 credits must be in one engineering discipline and 6 in another discipline. Several elective streams are possible. Consult the IGEN Student Advisor for assistance.
3 See Complementary Studies Courses.


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