You are reading the 2025/26 Academic Calendar. The 2024/25 version remains in effect until August 31, 2025 and is available here.


Application for admission to the Engineering program must be made through an online application form no later than January 15. The applicant is responsible for ensuring that all supporting documents, including official transcripts, are submitted to Enrolment Services by the deadlines provided following the submission of an application, otherwise the application will not be considered.

Due to limited resources, the Faculty has been authorized to restrict enrolment in first-year engineering, and within individual engineering programs at the second-year level. Attainment of the minimum academic requirements listed below means that the applicant is eligible for selection, but does not provide assurance of admission. The selection is based on academic standing. For most engineering programs, the competition for places is such that standing above the minimum prescribed requirements is necessary to ensure admission.

The attention of applicants is drawn to the importance of mathematics as a preparation for engineering courses. Experience has shown that UBC students with grades below 65% in mathematics (below B at a college) are likely to have difficulty with many engineering courses.

Admission from BC/Yukon Grade 12 (or equivalent)

In addition to satisfying university admission requirements, applicants must have completed mathematics, physics, and chemistry at the BC Grade 12-level, or the equivalent. Students will be selected on the basis of their standing in Grade 12 courses in mathematics, chemistry, physics, and English. Applicants from schools where either Physics 12 or Chemistry 12 is not available may petition to be excused this deficiency. Candidates not having grade 12 Physics may still apply. A strong background in alternative grade 12 science courses1 and/or additional preparation in mathematics2 will be considered an asset in such cases, and will be used by the Faculty in conjunction with the personal profile statement to assess the candidate’s preparedness for an engineering program. Candidates deemed outstanding by the Faculty may be admitted. Successful candidates lacking an admissions requirement would need to address any such deficiencies, either in the summer before commencing at UBC or by completing a modified first year program extending into the summer following first year, before proceeding with a second year program.

UBC is prepared to offer early admission to secondary school students graduating in June based on interim or projected final grades submitted by the schools.

In addition to high academic standards, the Faculty recognizes the benefits of previous technical work, advanced academic preparation1,2, and extracurricular activities. The UBC application process includes a personal profile statement in which the applicant will have the opportunity to provide additional information. For the most up-to-date information on the application process, see Personal Profile and Direct Entry from BC High Schools.

The personal profile statement, in conjunction with academic records, will be used by the Faculty in selecting a portion of the students entering engineering.

1e.g., Anatomy and Physiology 12, Biology 12, Geography 12, Computer Science 12, or equivalent
2e.g., Calculus 12

Admission from a Post-Secondary Institution

Applicants from another faculty at UBC or another post-secondary institution may be considered for admission to the engineering program of the Faculty of Applied Science. An overall average of at least 65%, including any failed courses, is required. The overall average is calculated in accordance with the general admission requirement for undergraduate applicants from a college or university.

Applicants must also have taken courses in each of chemistry, mathematics, and physics, which transfer to the first-year engineering program. Applicants must achieve an average of at least 70% in each of these subject areas. Courses to be considered in this average of mathematics, chemistry, and physics courses are not limited to the last 30 credits only. Where two courses, or one repeated course, have been taken which transfer to one of the courses of the first-year engineering program, only the grade of the latest course will be used in calculating this average.

Admission to the engineering program is competitive. Applicants who meet all of these criteria are not guaranteed admission.

Applicants with less than 24 transferable credits from a post-secondary institution are evaluated against both secondary and post-secondary admission criteria.

Applicants with 27 or more transfer credits of the first-year engineering curriculum may be eligible for engineering program placement. Only transfer credits which have been or will be successfully completed no later than April 30 preceding September entry will be included in the admission assessment. Advice on transfer credit is available from the Dean's Office, Engineering Academic Services. A more detailed articulation of your credits may be completed after admission, and your eligibiltiy for program placement may change. Deficiencies from first-year must be completed prior to graduation.

Students admitted with 27 or more credits of the first year curriculum completed must complete a Program Placement Preference Form by May 15.

Exemptions are given for courses in first-year Applied Science for the following Science courses:

Exemptions for Applied Science

CHEM_V 121 and 123CHEM_V 154
MATH_V 221 or 223MATH_V 152
One of PHYS_V 106, PHYS_V 117, PHYS_V 131, and one of PHYS_V 108, PHYS_V 118, and all of PHYS_V 119PHYS_V 157, 158 and 159

MATH_V 221, or equivalent, is required for students wishing to enter the Departments of Electrical and Computer Engineering or Mechanical Engineering.

Successful completion of UBC Science One provides transfer credit for first-year engineering for CHEM_V 154, MATH_V 100, MATH_V 101, and PHYS_V 157, PHYS_V 158, and PHYS_V 159.

Applicants with less than 27 transfer credits in engineering will normally enter first-year engineering and take a program similar to the one described in the table, Typical Transfer Program Following First-Year Science. They will normally require four years following first-year Science to complete their engineering programs.

Transition from UBC Vantage College Engineering Stream

The Faculty of Applied Science delivers engineering programs at both UBC campuses: Okanagan and Vancouver. The Faculty has reserved space for all UBC Vantage College Engineering stream students to be able to transition to a second year program. Half of the reserved spaces are located on the Okanagan campus, and the other half are located at the Vancouver campus.

UBC Vantage College students who pass all courses in the Engineering stream with an average of at least 60% will be eligible for year two of the B.A.Sc. degree program.

Program selection is competitive, and all students will be asked to rank both their preferred campus and their eligible program1. Academic performance at the end of the Winter Session and a personal statement are considered in placing students into programs into engineering programs.

Students who do not successfully complete the full UBC Vantage College Engineering stream or who achieve an average lower than 60% in the full program can apply to be reviewed on a case-by-case basis for evidence of academic promise for continued study in Engineering at UBC.

Upon successful completion of the UBC Vantage One Engineering program, students will be eligible to be placed in an engineering program. Additional program requirements (humanities elective or APSC_V 181, depending on program) that are normally completed in first year will not have been met and must also be completed prior to graduation.

Students transferring into the Biomedical Engineering program who have not completed all required first year BME courses may be required to complete additional first year course work.

1Eligible programs include: Okanagan Campus: Civil, Computer, Electrical, Manufacturing, and Mechanical Engineering. Vancouver Campus: Biomedical, Chemical, Chemical and Biological, Civil, Computer, Electrical, Engineering Physics, Environmental, Geological, Integrated, Manufacturing, Materials, Mechanical, and Mining Engineering.

Admission from UBC Engineering Transfer Programs

The Faculty reserves a complement of seats in the program for students who have completed first-year engineering at one of the BC colleges offering a UBC transfer program and who have obtained an overall grade point average as published by the Faculty here. Students must complete the transfer program within the program timeframe and by April 30 preceding September entry. Students admitted from an engineering transfer program are placed directly in an engineering program based on a competitive program placement process. Students transferring into the Biomedical Engineering program who have not completed all required first year BME courses may be required to complete first year course work.

Admission Following Two-Year Technology Diploma Programs

Students are eligible to be considered for admission if they have completed an appropriate two-year technology diploma program with an overall average of at least 70%. Admission is normally into first-year engineering.

Camosun Bridging Program

Students with a two-year diploma in Civil, Mechanical or Mining Technology will be admitted to third year of the B.A.Sc. program in Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, or Mining Engineering upon successful completion of the Engineering Bridging program offered by Camosun College. Applications for entry into the Bridging program are considered on an individual basis and approval for admission must be obtained from both the Faculty of Applied Science and Camosun College before registering in any of the bridging courses. Students may be required to take additional first- or second-year UBC courses to make up deficiencies.

UBC-Langara Aboriginal Transfer Partnership (ATP)

To be eligible to transfer to UBC through this partnership, Aboriginal students must meet the general requirements for admission as a post-secondary transfer student (above) as well as the following specific requirements:

  • Successful completion of the Engineering Transfer Program with a GPA of 2.8 or better over a 24-month period ending no later than April 30 preceding September entry.
  • Successful completion of the ATP Transition Plan offered by Langara in collaboration with UBC.

UBC Crest The official logo of the University of British Columbia. Urgent Message An exclamation mark in a speech bubble. Caret An arrowhead indicating direction. Arrow An arrow indicating direction. Arrow in Circle An arrow indicating direction. Arrow in Circle An arrow indicating direction. Chats Two speech clouds. Facebook The logo for the Facebook social media service. Information The letter 'i' in a circle. Instagram The logo for the Instagram social media service. Linkedin The logo for the LinkedIn social media service. Location Pin A map location pin. Mail An envelope. Menu Three horizontal lines indicating a menu. Minus A minus sign. Pencil A pencil indicating that this is editable. Telephone An antique telephone. Plus A plus symbol indicating more or the ability to add. Search A magnifying glass. Twitter The logo for the Twitter social media service. Youtube The logo for the YouTube video sharing service.