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Manufacturing Engineering

Bachelor of Applied Science (B.A.Sc.) in Manufacturing Engineering

Program Overview

The Faculty of Applied Science offers a program leading to the Bachelor of Applied Science in Manufacturing (MANU) Engineering. The program is offered jointly between the departments of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Engineering.

The Mission of the MANU program is to develop engineers with technical and managerial skills preparing them for sought-after careers in the exceptionally demanding and evolving domain of advanced design and manufacturing.

Program Requirements


Second Year 
APSC_V 2783
APSC_V 2791
CPEN_V 2234
ELEC_V 2033
MANU_V 2013
MANU_V 2304
MANU_V 2613
MANU_V 2653
MATH_V 2533
MATH_V 2553
MECH_V 2603
MTRL_V 2633
MTRL_V 2643
Total Credits39
Third Year 
CPEN_V 3333
MANU_V 2703
MANU_V 3306
MANU_V 3783
MANU_V 3803
MANU_V 3863
MECH_V 3603
MECH_V 3684
MECH_V 4634
MTRL_V 4553
STAT_V 2513
Complementary Studies electives13
Total Credits41
Fourth Year 
MANU_V 3703
MANU_V 4306
MANU_V 4803
MANU_V 4813
MANU_V 4853
MECH_V 4003
MECH_V 4674
MECH_V 4913
Technical Electives29
Complementary Studies electives13
Total Credits40
1 See Complementary Studies Courses.
2 To be chosen in consultation with departmental advisors

Cooperative Education Experiential Work Terms

The optional cooperative education experiential learning placements is a valuable aspect of the Bachelor of Applied Science in Manufacturing Engineering program. Students are highly encouraged to take advantage of this program. Participating students will typically complete five 4-month experiential learning placements coordinated through the Applied Science Co-op Program. Work terms can take place during the Winter or Summer terms. Students should refer to the program website for the current schedule. Students wishing to participate but unable to complete one or more co-op terms should consult with a departmental advisor.

Contact Information

The Faculty of Applied Science

Mechanical Engineering Department
2054-6250 Applied Science Lane
(604) 822-2781

Materials Engineering Department
309-6350 Stores Road
(604) 822-2676

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