You are reading the 2025/26 Academic Calendar. The 2024/25 version remains in effect until August 31, 2025 and is available here.

Minor in Science

Enrolment in the Minor in Science is limited to students eligible for third-year standing with an average of at least 68% in each of the previous two years.

Courses taken for the Minor in Science must be courses in the Faculty of Science that are acceptable for a B.Sc. major or honours in the proposed subject area or field. The minor consists of at least 18 upper-level credits either in a single subject area or area of specialization, together with any necessary prerequisites. The following subject areas have additional constraints or requirements in the selection of courses for the minor: Astronomy, Biochemistry, Chemistry, Environmental Sciences, Oceanography, and Physics. Note that there is a separate Minor in Honours Mathematics that is distinct from the Minor in Science in Mathematics. Please refer to the hyperlinked Calendar entry for each of these subject areas for additional minor requirements. For some programs, course planning as early as first year may be advisable in order to complete pre-requisite courses for some minor subject areas in a timely fashion.

Students are strongly advised to design a coherent and academically sound course of studies for their proposed minor, which must be approved by the Applied Science Engineering Academic Services office at the beginning of third year.

Applications for admission must be made through Engineering Academic Services by May 15.

Entry into and continuation in the Minor requires that the student remains in Good Standing. Where space in courses required for the Minor is limited, students may be required to maintain a sessional average higher than the minimum for Good Standing. Upon successful completion of the Minor program, the notation “Minor in [Subject]” will be denoted on the student’s transcript.

Students might encounter difficulty fitting the courses for the Minor into their program timetable; careful planning is essential, and completion of the Minor program might require an additional term or terms beyond that required to complete the B.A.Sc. degree alone.

No more than six upper-level credits that count toward the restricted elective requirements for the B.A.Sc. degree may be double-counted to fulfill requirements for the Science minor.

Note: Students who wish to pursue a Minor in Science should be aware of the pre-requisites of many of the upper-level science courses. Space in many courses is limited. Admission to a science minor does not guarantee access to courses agreed upon for the minor.

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