You are reading the 2025/26 Academic Calendar. The 2024/25 version remains in effect until August 31, 2025 and is available here.

Degree Requirements and Program Options

Bachelor of Science in Global Resource Systems

First Year 
LFS_V 1001
BIOL_V 111/112 or 1213
CHEM_V 121 (111)14
ECON_V 101 or LFS_V 1013
LFS_V 150 or WRDS_V 15023
MATH_V 100, 102, 104, 110, 180, or 18443-4
Program Electives59/8
Total Credits32
Second Year 
LFS_V 2506
LFS_V 2523
GRS_V 29061/2
Program Electives711/10
Unrestricted Electives3
Total Credits30
Third and Fourth Years 
LFS_V 3503
LFS_V 4503
Field Experience83
GRS_V 39091-2
GRS_V 4902
Resource Specialization Electives1021
Regional Specialization11
Anthropology and Culture3
Economics and Commerce3
Geography, History, and Political Science3
Regional Specialization Electives9
International Experience120
Program Electives73/2
Unrestricted Electives6
Total Credits60
Overall four-year total122
1 CHEM_V 111 is not for students with Chemistry 12. 
2 Or equivalent course to fulfill Communication Requirement.
3 Students who pass an oral proficiency test for a language relevant to their regional specialization are exempt, and must choose 6 credits of program electives approved by a program advisor.
4 Students who have not completed Calculus 12 should take MATH_V 180 or 184 to fulfill their first-year MATH_V requirement. 
5 Courses that provide a foundation for the resource specialization. Science-based resource specializations require BIOL_V 121 and 140 and CHEM_V 113 or 123. Economics-based resource specializations require ECON_V 102. Must be approved by a program advisor.
6 At least 1 credit is required.
7 Courses that provide further foundation for the resource specialization. Typically in land and food systems, biology, chemistry, or economics. Must be approved by a program advisor.
8 Met by a field studies course that is pre-approved by a program advisor.
9 At least 1 credit is required.
10 300- or 400-level courses from one resource discipline or from several disciplines that relate to a resource theme. Must be approved by a program advisor.
11 Africa, Asia Pacific, Europe, or the Americas. The regional specialization requires 18 credits that are relevant to the region. These can include social sciences, humanities, language courses, and experiential learning. At least 3 credits must relate to each of these areas: anthropology and culture, economics and commerce, and geography, history, and political science. Must be approved by a program advisor.
12 Met by learning in the region of specialization for at least one term, or three-month period. Options include participation in UBC's Go Global Student Mobility Programs or work-based learning (internships). Must be pre-approved by a program advisor.

Master of Management Dual Degree Program Option

Interested students may apply for the Bachelor of Science (Global Resource Systems) – Master of Management Dual Degree Program Option. For details regarding this Dual Degree Program Option and application see the Faculty of Commerce and Business Administration section of the Academic Calendar.

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