Degrees Offered: Ph.D., M.Sc.
M. Allard, S. Aparicio, M. Bally, K. Bennewith, A. M. Churg, H. Cote, A. Devlin, Z. -H. Gao, D. Granville, D. Huntsman, A. Karsan, J. Kizhakkedathu, M. Krajden, G. Krystal, W. Lam, H. Luo, I. Mackenzie, T. Nielsen, C. Seow, P. Sorensen, C. Steidl, F. Takei, B. Verchere, P. Watson, C. Wellington, A. Weng, J. L. Wright.
Professors Emeriti
D. Brooks, D. Devine, K. Dorovini-Zis, E. Evans, B. Gilks, W.J. Godolphin, J. C. Hogg, J. B. Hudson, V. Ling, A. B. Magil, B. McManus, M. Noble, D.A. Owen, M. Petric, P. H. Pritchard, R. Tan, V. White, H. Ziltener.
Associate Professors
C. Laule, L. Perrone.
Associate Professors Emeriti
C. J. Carter, J. O'Kusky, J. Y. C. Tai, D. Walker.
Assistant Professors
K. Enfield, R. Klein Geltink, J. Lan, Y. Park, J. Quandt, Y. Wang.
Program Overview
Experimental Pathology refers to research in any area of biomedical investigation that is relevant to human disease. Since it is necessary to understand the normal working of the system to fully define the changes associated with disease, the areas represented at UBC cover a wide range of fields and approaches. Work at all levels of biological organization is involved, from protein to lipoprotein biochemistry and molecular biology through cell and tumour biology, animal models for studies on pulmonary and cardiovascular pathophysiology and viral and bacterial infection processes, to clinical studies on human population and the AIDS epidemic. Projects suitable for graduate research are active in all these areas; current research funding awarded to faculty within the Department of Pathology exceeds $6 million annually.
Doctor of Philosophy
Admission Requirements
Students admitted to the Ph.D. degree program either: possess a master's degree in pathology or a related area with clear evidence of research ability or potential; or transfer from our M.Sc. program having achieved a first class academic standing and demonstrated the ability to do research to the satisfaction of the supervisor and committee, or have completed a first-class honours degree in a relevant field.
Program Requirements
Students entering with a M.Sc. degree are required to complete PATH_V 502 and PATH_V 635. Any other courses are chosen by the student and supervisor, with consideration of the student's background and the thesis research area.
Students who qualify to enter the Ph.D. directly with a bachelor's degree must, during the first year of study, complete 12 credits with a first class average. Normally, 9 credits must be at the 500-level or higher, and at least 9 credits must be of first-class standing.
Students who wish to transfer from the Master's to the Ph.D. program are required to complete one year of study in the Master's program, with a minimum of 9 credits at a first-class average. These 9 credits must be at the 500-level or higher, and must be of first-class standing. The student is required to complete a total of 12 credits within the first two years of initial registration.
The major requirement for the Ph.D. is completion of a research dissertation meeting the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies requirements. Each student must meet with his or her Supervisory Committee every 9-12 months and requires the Committee's consent to prepare the dissertation. This dissertation is first presented and defended before a Departmental examination committee containing two individuals not on the Supervisory Committee.
All Ph.D. students must pass a comprehensive examination within the first 24-30 months of initial registration. The examination consists of preparation of a research proposal (written according to the regulations for an application for a grant- in-aid from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research) on a topic that may be related to the student's own research project, but that must be distinct from it. The proposal is presented and defended orally before an examination committee.
The program is expected to be completed in four to five years.
Master of Science
Admission Requirements
To enter the M.Sc. program students must possess a bachelor's or M.D. degree with the academic background outlined in the Eligibility section.
During the first year, students must register for 12 credits of coursework, at least 9 of which must be graduate level courses.
Program Requirements
12 credits of coursework, plus an 18-credit thesis, are required for completion. All students must register for PATH_V 502 (2) and PATH_V 535 (2). The remaining courses are chosen by the student and supervisor, with consideration of the student's background and the thesis research area.
Each student must meet with their Supervisory Committee, which consists of at least three faculty members every 6 months for a review of progress. The final examination consists of an oral presentation of the thesis and its defense before an examining committee.
The program is expected to be completed in two to three years.
Contact Information
Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
UBC Hospital, Koerner Pavilion
#G-227 2211 Wesbrook Mall
Vancouver, BC V6T 2B5
Tel: (604) 827-5736
Fax: (604) 822-7635
Heather Cheadle, Graduate Program Coordinator