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Genome Science and Technology

Degrees Offered: Ph.D., M.Sc.



K. Adams, R. Andersen, S. Aparicio, I. Birol, J. Bohlmann, A. Bouchard-Côté, A. Brooks-Wilson, C. Brown, H. Brumer, B. Carleton, K. Chi, C. Collins, L. Conibear, H. Côté, L. Eltis, B. Finlay, L. Foster, J. Friedman, J. Gsponer, S. Hallam, R. Hancock, C. Haynes, P. Hieter, M. Hirst, R. Holt, P. Hoodless, D. Huntsman, W. Jefferies, J. Johnson, S. Jones, A. Karsan, T. Kieffer, M. Kobor, X. Li, C. Loewen, M. Marra, A., T. Mayor, F. Miller, C. Nislow, C. Overall, P. Pavlidis, D. Perrin, J. Piret, S. Plotkin, L. Rieseberg, W. Robinson, C. Ross, F. Rossi, K. Ryan, N. Tokuriki, M. Underhill, B. Vallance, W. Wasserman, A. Weng, N. Yachie.

Professor Emeritus

P. Cullis, D. Goldowitz, J. McIntosh, R. Redfield, S. Withers.

Associate Professor

J. Hill, T. Huan, J. Kopp, P. Lange, S. Leslie, V. Measday, G. Morin, S. Stringhini, V. Yadav, R. Ziels.

Assistant Professor

A. Blakney, K. Dao Duc, C. de Boer, J. Dennis, J. Joshi, K. Korthauer, E. Lim, C. Loucks, B. Matthews, G. Schiebinger, N. Shakiba, A. Singh, A. Steif, X. Tang, S. Teves, M. Todesco, C. Tropini, S. Wisnovsky.

Program Overview

The Genome Science and Technology graduate program, administered through Michael Smith Laboratories, is a trans-disciplinary program that combines genomic research with leading-edge technology development in genome sciences for students pursuing an M.Sc. or Ph.D. This program is intended to accommodate the diverse background of students and the broad nature of genomic research in human, animal, plant, microbes, and viruses.

Doctor of Philosophy

Admission Requirements

Students admitted to the Ph.D. degree program normally possess a M.Sc. degree in genomics or a related area, such as biology, microbiology, molecular biology, medicine or in physical/engineering science, such as computer science, mathematics, statistics, chemistry, physics, chemical engineering, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, bioengineering, with clear evidence of research ability or potential.

Eligibility is determined on the basis of academic achievement, research experience, and letters of recommendation.

Transfer from the M.Sc. to the Ph.D. program is permitted under regulations set by the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies.

A minimum TOEFL score of 100 is required on the iBT (internet-based TOEFL), 600 on the paper-based TOEFL or equivalent on other tests approved by the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies. No GRE is required.

Program Requirements

All doctoral students are required to successfully complete a comprehensive examination, which consists of an oral and written component. The major requirement for the Ph.D. degree is the completion of a research dissertation that meets the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies guidelines. All students are required to present a Genome Science and Technology graduate program exit seminar, based on their research, upon completion of their program, and before their dissertation defense.

A student's committee for the doctorate will consist of the supervisor and three others. The supervisor and at least one other member must be a member of the Genome Science and Technology graduate program.

Master of Science

Admission Requirements

Successful applicants require a B.Sc. or equivalent, majoring in a biological discipline (such as biology, genetics, microbiology, molecular biology, medicine) or in physical/engineering science (such as computer science, mathematics, statistics, chemistry, physics, chemical engineering, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, bioengineering), with a first-class standing in their previous degree.

Eligibility is determined on the basis of academic achievement, research experience and letters of recommendation.

Academically acceptable applicants, not selected for the rotation option of the program, must also obtain the commitment of a Genome Science and Technology graduate program research supervisor before receiving final acceptance from the Program and the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies.

A minimum TOEFL score of 100 is required on the iBT (internet-based TOEFL), 600 on the paper-based TOEFL or equivalent on other tests approved by the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies. No GRE is required.

Program Requirements

M.Sc. students are required to complete 30 credits, which include one required course GSAT_V 502, and an 18-credit thesis. Nine credits of coursework must be numbered 500 or higher. Program-funded scholarship students are also required to complete three nine-week research rotations in their first year. The major requisite for the M.Sc. degree is the completion of a research thesis that meets the Program's requirements.

A student's committee for the M.Sc. degree will consist of their thesis supervisor and two other members. The supervisor and at least one other member must be members of the Genome Science and Technology graduate program. All students are required to present a Genome Science and Technology graduate program exit seminar, based on their thesis research, upon completion of their program before their thesis defense.

Contact Information

Director, P. Stirling
Fae Fazel, Program Coordinator
Genome Science and Technology Graduate Program
Michael Smith Laboratories 
2185 East Mall
Vancouver, BC, Canada V6T 1Z4
Phone: 604-827-2824

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