You are reading the 2025/26 Academic Calendar. The 2024/25 version remains in effect until August 31, 2025 and is available here.

Electrical and Computer Engineering

The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering offers programs leading to the Bachelor of Applied Science in Electrical Engineering and to the Bachelor of Applied Science in Computer Engineering. A minor in Honours Mathematics option is available in both programs.

Three options are available in Electrical Engineering: Biomedical Engineering, Electrical Energy Systems, and Nanotechnology and Microsystems. An option in Software Engineering is available in Computer Engineering.

Students choosing Biomedical Engineering must apply prior to second year; students opting for other options enter at the third year level (refer to website below for application information pertinent to the individual Options). Students should be aware that enrolment restrictions in the Options may apply.

NOTE: The intake of students into the Electrical Energy Systems, Nanotechnology and Microsystems, and Software Engineering options has been suspended effective 2015.

For further information visit Electrical and Computer Engineering.

Second Year

For Electrical Engineering 
CPEN_V 2115
CPSC_V 2594
ELEC_V 2014
ELEC_V 2024
ELEC_V 2112
ELEC_V 2214
ELEC_V 281 or CPEN_V 2813
ELEC_V 29116
MATH_V 2533
MATH_V 2563
MATH_V 2641
Total Credits39
1 Students in the Biomedical Engineering Option will take ELEC_V 271 and ELEC_V 292 instead of ELEC_V 291. 

For Computer Engineering – For students who entered second year in 2022W or earlier 
CPEN_V 2115
CPEN_V 2214
CPEN_V 281 or ELEC_V 2813
CPEN_V 2916
CPSC_V 2214
CPEN_V 2124
ELEC_V 2014
MATH_V 2203
MATH_V 2533
MATH_V 2563
Total Credits39

For Computer Engineering – For students who entered second year in 2023W or later 
CPEN_V 2115
CPEN_V 2215
CPEN_V 281 or ELEC_V 2813
CPSC_V 2214
CPEN_V 2124
ELEC_V 2014
MATH_V 2203
MATH_V 2533
MATH_V 2563
Total Credits38

Computer Engineering

Third Year 
CPEN_V 3314
CPEN_V 3916
CPSC_V 3203
One of MATH_V 318, STAT_V 251, MATH_V 302, STAT_V 3023
Complementary Studies electives26
Total Credits38
Fourth Year 
APSC_V 4502
CPEN_V 481 or ELEC_V 4813
CPEN_V 49110
Science elective13
Total Credits38
1 To be chosen based on Department-approved list of Computer Engineering electives.
2 See Complementary Studies courses. 

Electrical Engineering

Third Year 
ELEC_V 3014
ELEC_V 3114
ELEC_V 3154
ELEC_V 3414
ELEC_V 3424
ELEC_V 3916
One of: MATH_V 318, MATH_V 302, STAT_V 3023
Complementary Studies Electives16
Total Credits39
Fourth Year 
APSC_V 4502
ELEC_V 481 or CPEN_V 4813
ELEC_V 49110
Science elective23
Total Credits36
1 See Complementary Studies courses. 
2 To be chosen based on Department-approved list of Electrical Engineering electives.

Biomedical Engineering Option

The Biomedical Engineering Option, in Electrical Engineering, allows students interested in the application of technology to medicine and the life sciences to have a course and project concentration in these areas. The option provides core courses in Electrical Engineering as well as a broad range of specific courses traditionally covered in Biomedical Engineering: anatomy, physiology, biomedical instrumentation, biosignals and systems, medical imaging, regulatory standards, design processes, and the emerging areas of micro and nanotechnology.

Students will be admitted to the option at the end of first year by permission of the option coordinator, based on a demonstrated interest in biomedical engineering, and the grade point average obtained in the first year of engineering.

Students accepted into the option will take a modified version of the standard Electrical Engineering program.

Students who satisfactorily complete the following program will be given recognition as receiving the Bachelor of Applied Science in Electrical Engineering (Biomedical Engineering Option).

Third Year 
BMEG_V 4103
BMEG_V 4563
ELEC_V 3014
ELEC_V 3114
ELEC_V 3414
ELEC_V 3713
ELEC_V 3916
Breadth Electives18
One of STAT_V 251, MATH_V 302, MATH_V 318, STAT_V 3023
Complementary Studies electives23
Total Credits41
Fourth Year 
APSC_V 4502
ELEC_V 4223
ELEC_V 4713
ELEC_V 4733
ELEC_V 481 or CPEN_V 4813
ELEC_V 49410
Complementary Studies electives23
Total Credits36
1 To be chosen based on Department-approved list of Biomedical Engineering electives.
2 See Complementary Studies Courses.

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