Courses by Subject
- ADHE_V - Adult and Higher Education
- AFST_V - African Studies
- AGEC_V - Agricultural Economics
- ASL_V - American Sign Language
- ANAT_V - Anatomy
- AMNE_V - Ancient Mediterranean and Near Eastern Studies
- ARCL_V - Anthropological Archaeology
- ANTH_V - Anthropology
- AANB_V - Applied Animal Biology
- APBI_V - Applied Biology
- APSC_V - Applied Science
- APPP_V - Applied Science Professional Program Platform
- AQUA_V - Aquaculture
- ARCH_V - Architecture
- ARST_V - Archival Studies
- ARTH_V - Art History
- ASIC_V - Arts and Science Interdisciplinary Courses
- ARTC_V - Arts Co-Op
- ARTS_V - Arts One Program
- ASTU_V - Arts Studies
- ACAM_V - Asian Canadian and Asian Migration Studies
- ASLA_V - Asian Languages
- ASIA_V - Asian Studies
- ASIX_V - Asian Studies Crossings
- ASTR_V - Astronomy
- ATSC_V - Atmospheric Science
- AUDI_V - Audiology and Speech Sciences
- BIOC_V - Biochemistry
- FSCT_V - Biochemistry and Forensic Science
- BIOF_V - Bioinformatics
- BIOL_V - Biology
- BMEG_V - Biomedical Engineering
- BIOT_V - Biotechnology
- BOTA_V - Botany
- BUSI_V - Business
- BAAC_V - Business Administration: Accounting
- BABS_V - Business Administration: Business Statistics
- BAIT_V - Business Administration: Business Technology Management
- BA_V - Business Administration: Core
- BAEN_V - Business Administration: Entrepreneurship
- BAFI_V - Business Administration: Finance
- BAHR_V - Business Administration: Human Resources Management
- BALA_V - Business Administration: Law
- BAMS_V - Business Administration: Management Science
- BAMA_V - Business Administration: Marketing
- BAPA_V - Business Administration: Policy Analysis
- BASM_V - Business Administration: Strategic Management
- BASC_V - Business Administration: Supply Chain
- BAUL_V - Business Administration: Urban Land Economics
- CDST_V - Canadian Studies
- CNTO_V - Cantonese
- CTLN_V - Catalan
- CELL_V - Cell and Developmental Biology
- PHYL_V - Cellular and Physiological Sciences
- CAPS_V - Cellular, Anatomical and Physiological Sciences
- CENS_V - Central, Eastern and Northern European Studies
- CCFI_V - Centre for Cross-Faculty Inquiry
- CHBE_V - Chemical and Biological Engineering
- CHEM_V - Chemistry
- CHIL_V - Children's Literature
- CHIN_V - Chinese
- CMST_V - Cinema and Media Studies
- CINE_V - Cinema Studies
- CIVL_V - Civil Engineering
- ARBC_V - Classical Arabic
- CLST_V - Classical Studies
- CEEN_V - Clean Energy Engineering
- COGS_V - Cognitive Systems Program
- COMM_V - Commerce
- COEC_V - Commerce Economics
- COHR_V - Commerce Human Resources
- COMR_V - Commerce Minor
- PLAN_V - Community and Regional Planning
- COLX_V - Computational Linguistics
- CPEN_V - Computer Engineering
- CPSC_V - Computer Science
- CAP_V - Coordinated Arts Program
- CSPW_V - Coordinated Science Program Workshop
- CNPS_V - Counselling Psychology
- CRWR_V - Creative Writing
- CCST_V - Critical and Curatorial Studies
- CSIS_V - Critical Studies in Sexuality
- EDCP_V - Curriculum and Pedagogy
- DANI_V - Danish
- DSCI_V - Data Science
- DHYG_V - Dental Hygiene
- DENT_V - Dentistry
- DES_V - Design
- DMED_V - Digital Media
- MEDD_V - Doctor of Medicine
- ECED_V - Early Childhood Education
- EOSC_V - Earth and Ocean Sciences
- ECON_V - Economics
- EDUC_V - Education
- ECPS_V - Educational & Counselling Psychology, & Special Education
- EPSE_V - Educational Psychology and Special Education
- EDST_V - Educational Studies
- ETEC_V - Educational Technology
- EECE_V - Electrical and Computer Engineering
- ELEC_V - Electrical Engineering
- ENPP_V - Engineering and Public Policy
- ENPH_V - Engineering Physics
- ENGL_V - English
- ENST_V - Environment and Sustainability
- ENVE_V - Environmental Engineering
- ENVR_V - Environmental Science
- IEST_V - European Studies
- EXGR_V - Exchange Graduate Research
- EXCH_V - Exchange Programs
- EMBA_V - Executive M.B.A.
- FMPR_V - Family Practice
- FMST_V - Family Studies
- FIPR_V - Film Production
- FNEL_V - First Nations and Endangered Languages Program
- FNIS_V - First Nations and Indigenous Studies
- FISH_V - Fisheries Research
- FRE_V - Food and Resource Economics
- FOOD_V - Food Science
- FNH_V - Food, Nutrition and Health
- BEST_V - Forest Bioeconomy Sciences and Technology
- FOPR_V - Forest Operations
- FRST_V - Forestry
- FCOR_V - Forestry Core
- FOPE_V - Forestry Online Professional Education
- FREN_V - French
- GRSJ_V - Gender, Race, Sexuality and Social Justice
- GSAT_V - Genome Science and Technology
- GEOS_V - Geographical Sciences
- GEOG_V - Geography
- GEM_V - Geomatics for Environmental Management
- GERN_V - German
- GMST_V - Germanic Studies
- GLBH_V - Global Health
- GRS_V - Global Resource Systems
- GREK_V - Greek
- HGSE_V - Haida Gwaii Semesters
- HESO_V - Health and Society
- HEBR_V - Hebrew
- HPB_V - High Performance Buildings
- HINU_V - Hindi-Urdu
- HIST_V - History
- HUNU_V - Human Nutrition
- ILS_V - Indigenous Land Stewardship
- INLB_V - Indigenous Land-Based Studies
- INDO_V - Indonesian
- INFO_V - Information Studies
- IAR_V - Institute of Asian Research
- IGEN_V - Integrated Engineering
- ISCI_V - Integrated Sciences
- IWME_V - Integrated Water Management Engineering
- RADS_V - Interdisciplinary Radiology
- INDS_V - Interdisciplinary Studies
- ITAL_V - Italian
- JAPN_V - Japanese
- JWST_V - Jewish Studies
- JRNL_V - Journalism
- KIN_V - Kinesiology
- KORN_V - Korean
- LFS_V - Land & Food Systems
- LWS_V - Land and Water Systems
- LARC_V - Landscape Architecture
- LLED_V - Language and Literacy Education
- LATN_V - Latin
- LAST_V - Latin American Studies
- LAW_V - Law
- LASO_V - Law and Society
- LIBR_V - Library and Information Studies
- LAIS_V - Library, Archival and Information Studies
- LING_V - Linguistics
- MGMT_V - Management
- MANU_V - Manufacturing Engineering
- MRNE_V - Marine Science
- MTRL_V - Materials Engineering
- MATH_V - Mathematics
- MECH_V - Mechanical Engineering
- MDIA_V - Media Studies
- MEDG_V - Medical Genetics
- MEDI_V - Medicine
- MDVL_V - Medieval Studies
- MICB_V - Microbiology
- MES_V - Middle East Studies
- MIDW_V - Midwifery
- MINE_V - Mining Engineering
- ARBM_V - Modern Standard Arabic
- MUSC_V - Music
- NRES_V - Natural Resources
- CONS_V - Natural Resources Conservation
- NAME_V - Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering
- NEST_V - Near Eastern Studies
- NEPL_V - Nepali
- NRSC_V - Neuroscience
- NSCI_V - Neuroscience Undergraduate
- NEUR_V - Neurosurgery
- NORD_V - Nordic Studies
- NURS_V - Nursing
- OBST_V - Obstetrics and Gynaecology
- OSOT_V - Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
- ONCO_V - Oncology
- OBMS_V - Oral Biological Medical Sciences
- OHS_V - Oral Health Sciences
- ORNT_V - Orientation to Medical School
- ORPA_V - Orthopaedics
- PATH_V - Pathology
- PERS_V - Persian
- PHAR_V - Pharmaceutical Sciences
- PCTH_V - Pharmacology and Therapeutics
- PHRM_V - Pharmacy
- PHIL_V - Philosophy
- PHTH_V - Physical Therapy
- PHYS_V - Physics
- PLNT_V - Plant Science
- POLS_V - Polish
- POLI_V - Political Science
- PORT_V - Portuguese
- PSYT_V - Psychiatry
- PSYC_V - Psychology
- PPGA_V - Public Policy And Global Affairs
- PUNJ_V - Punjabi
- RADI_V - Radiology
- RHSC_V - Rehabilitation Sciences
- RELG_V - Religious Studies
- RES_V - Resources, Environment and Sustainability
- RMST_V - Romance Studies
- RUSS_V - Russian
- SANS_V - Sanskrit
- SPHA_V - School of Population & Public Health
- SPPH_V - School of Population & Public Health
- SCIE_V - Science
- STS_V - Science and Technology Studies
- SLAV_V - Slavic and Eastern European Studies
- SGES_V - Smart Grid Energy Systems
- SOWK_V - Social Work
- SOCI_V - Sociology
- SOIL_V - Soil Science
- SOAL_V - South Asian Languages
- SEAL_V - Southeast Asian Languages
- SPAN_V - Spanish
- STAT_V - Statistics
- RGST_V - Study of Religion
- SURG_V - Surgery
- SPE_V - Sustainable Process Engineering
- SWAH_V - Swahili
- SWED_V - Swedish
- LIBE_V - Teacher Librarianship
- THTR_V - Theatre
- THFL_V - Theatre And Film
- TIBT_V - Tibetan Languages
- UKRN_V - Ukrainian
- WRIT_V - University Writing Centre Courses
- UDES_V - Urban Design
- UFOR_V - Urban Forestry
- URST_V - Urban Studies
- URSY_V - Urban Systems
- UROL_V - Urological Surgery
- VANT_V - Vantage College
- VISA_V - Visual Arts
- VRHC_V - Vocational Rehabilitation Counselling
- WACH_V - Women+ and Children's Health Sciences
- WOOD_V - Wood Products Processing
- WRDS_V - Writing, Research, and Discourse Studies
- YDSH_V - Yiddish
- ZOOL_V - Zoology