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Slavic and Eastern European Studies, Faculty of Arts

SLAV_V: Slavic and Eastern European Studies

All SLAV_V coded courses are conducted in English-plus.

For Slavic and Eastern European Studies courses taught in Polish-plus, Russian-plus and Ukrainian-plus, please see POLS_V coded, RUSS_V coded and UKRN_V coded courses. By “plus”, we mean that no classroom is ever monolingual; students bring all of their languages to class with them and use those languages implicitly to help improve their Polish, Russian, and Ukrainian knowledge.

  1. SLAV_V 120 (6) Introduction to Slavic and Eastern European Cultures

    Cultural developments from the medieval period to the present. Find out more at will be granted for only one of SLAV_V 120 or SLAV_V 105. Equivalency: SLAV_V 105

  2. SLAV_V 211 (3) Introduction to Slavic Languages and Communication

    Insights into Slavic languages in their shared and diverse cultural, social, literary, and political contexts over time. Find out more at

  3. SLAV_V 241 (3) Nineteenth-Century Russophone Literature

    Major works and writers in the Russian tradition of the 19th century. Find out more at Credit will be granted for only one of SLAV_V 241 or RUSS_V 206. Equivalency: RUSS_V 206

  4. SLAV_V 242 (3) Contemporary Russophone Literature

    Literature written in Russian, in and beyond Russia, from the 20th and 21st century. Find out more at Credit will be granted for only one of RUSS_V 207 or SLAV_V 242. Equivalency: RUSS_V 207

  5. SLAV_V 321 (3-6) Topics in Russian and Russophone Cultures

    Russophone cultures of the broader Slavic, Eurasian and Eastern European realm with an emphasis on historical and social contexts. Find out more at A maximum of 6 credits will be granted for RUSS_V 303 or SLAV_V 321. Equivalency: RUSS_V 303

  6. SLAV_V 323 (3-6) Literature and Film in Eastern Europe

    Films and translated literature by Eastern European writers with emphasis on the interaction between politics and literature. Find out more at A maximum of 6 credits will be granted for SLAV_V 323 or SLAV_V 307. Equivalency: SLAV_V 307

  7. SLAV_V 325 (3) War and Peace in Slavic and Eastern European Life

    Languages, discourses, and art forms which reflect present-day life in Slavic and Eastern European countries where violent conflicts, transformed by technologies, blur the boundaries between war and peace. Find out more at

  8. SLAV_V 340 (3-6) Russophone Literature

    A comprehensive historical and critical presentation with emphasis on the nineteenth, twentieth and twenty-first centuries. Find out more at A maximum of 6 credits will be granted for SLAV_V 340 or RUSS_V 306. Equivalency: RUSS_V 306 This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  9. SLAV_V 346 (3-6) Imagining Location in Russophone Literature

    Russophone literature and film, focused around a particular geographical and cultural location. Find out more at A maximum of 6 credits will be granted for SLAV_V 346 or RUSS_V 321. Equivalency: RUSS_V 321

  10. SLAV_V 347 (3-6) Science Fiction from Eastern Europe

    Science fiction film and literature from Eastern Europe. Find out more at A maximum of 6 credits will be granted for RUSS_V 323 or SLAV_V 347. Equivalency: RUSS_V 323

  11. SLAV_V 421 (3-6) Gender in Eastern European Literature and Cultures

    Eastern European literature and/or film concerning gender-related topics. Find out more at A maximum of 6 credits will be granted for RUSS_V 410 or SLAV_V 421. Equivalency: RUSS_V 410

  12. SLAV_V 424 (3) Polish Literature and Film

    Selected films and translated literature by Polish writers and filmmakers, with emphasis on the interaction between politics and literature. Find out more at Credit will be granted for only one of SLAV_V 424 or POLS_V 424. Equivalency: POLS_V 424

  13. SLAV_V 433 (3) The Holocaust in Polish Literature and Film

    The Nazi Holocaust in Polish Literature and Film. Find out more at Credit will be granted for only one of SLAV_V 433 or POLS_V 426. Equivalency: POLS_V 426

  14. SLAV_V 447 (3) Tolstoy

    Works, influence and critical reception of Leo Tolstoy. Find out more at Credit will be granted for only one of RUSS_V 411 or SLAV_V 447. Equivalency: RUSS_V 411. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  15. SLAV_V 448 (3) Dostoevsky

    Works, influence and critical reception of Fyodor Dostoevsky. Find out more at ttps:// Credit will be granted for only one of RUSS _V 412 or SLAV_V 448. Equivalency: RUSS_V 412

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