You are reading the 2025/26 Academic Calendar. The 2024/25 version remains in effect until August 31, 2025 and is available here.

Educational & Counselling Psychology, & Special Education, Faculty of Education

ECPS_V: Educational & Counselling Psychology, & Special Education

For a list of subjects and corresponding departments within the Faculty of Education, see the tables "Courses in the Faculty of Education" at the beginning of the Courses section.

  1. ECPS_V 310 (3) International Development and Human Security

    This course supports the acquisition of skills and tools necessary for evidence-based practice in post-conflict and conflict humanitarian and development settings. The course promotes capacity and self-awareness regarding the practical and ethical issues related to various assistance and intervention strategies commonly used in development practice, and students learn the cycle of intervention or project design and impact assessment.

  2. ECPS_V 490 (3-6) Directed Study in Educational & Counselling Psychology, and Special Education

    Directed investigation of a problem or issue, requiring a written report or alternate mode of reporting or disseminating results of the investigation. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

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