You are reading the 2025/26 Academic Calendar. The 2024/25 version remains in effect until August 31, 2025 and is available here.

Food Science, Faculty of Land and Food Systems

FOOD_V: Food Science

Undergraduate courses have been re-named as Food, Nutrition and Health (FNH_V). Please see this section.

  1. FOOD_V 500 (3) M.Sc. Seminar

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  2. FOOD_V 510 (3) Advances in Food Science

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  3. FOOD_V 511 (3) Master of Food Science Workshops

    Honours/Pass/Fail. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  4. FOOD_V 512 (3) Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point and Food Safety Management

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  5. FOOD_V 515 (3) Fundamentals of Agri-Food Business

    Credit will be granted for only one of FNH 415, FOOD 515 or FRE 515. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  6. FOOD_V 516 (3) Advanced Food Safety and Quality Management

    Recommended pre-requisites: all of FNH 301, FNH 313, FNH 403. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  7. FOOD_V 519 (3) Interfacial Phenomena

    Credit will be granted for only one of FNH 419 and FOOD 519. Strongly recommended: MATH 101, PHYS 108, and CHEM 154. Equivalency: CHBE 587 This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  8. FOOD_V 520 (3) Advances in Food Analysis

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  9. FOOD_V 521 (3) Advances in Food Biotechnology

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  10. FOOD_V 522 (3) Advances in Food Chemistry

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  11. FOOD_V 523 (3) Advances in Food Microbiology

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  12. FOOD_V 524 (3) Advances in Food Processing

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  13. FOOD_V 525 (3) Advances in Food Toxicology

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  14. FOOD_V 526 (3) Research Methods in Food Science

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  15. FOOD_V 527 (3) Special Topics in Food Science

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  16. FOOD_V 528 (3) International Food Laws and Regulations

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  17. FOOD_V 529 (3) Laboratory Methods in Sensory Evaluation

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  18. FOOD_V 530 (2-6) Directed Studies

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  19. FOOD_V 531 (6) Master of Food Science Practicum Project

    Honours/Pass/Fail. Prerequisite: FOOD 511. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  20. FOOD_V 549 (12-18) Master's Thesis

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  21. FOOD_V 600 (3) Ph.D. Seminar

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  22. FOOD_V 649 (0) Doctoral Dissertation

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

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