You are reading the 2025/26 Academic Calendar. The 2024/25 version remains in effect until August 31, 2025 and is available here.

Medieval Studies, Faculty of Arts

MDVL_V: Medieval Studies

See Medieval Studies under the Faculty of Arts section of the Calendar for other acceptable courses.

  1. MDVL_V 210 (3) Introduction to Medieval Studies

    A survey of the study of the medieval period in Western Europe (400-1550), integrating history, literature, and the arts; topics vary from year to year; interested students should consult the Medieval Studies Advisor.

  2. MDVL_V 301 (3) European Literature from the 5th to the 14th Century

    Selected works from the 5th to the 14th centuries in their cultural and social contexts. Recommended pre-requisites: Third-year standing or above in the Faculty of Arts. Credit will be granted for only one of RMST_V 321 or MDVL_V 301. Equivalency: RMST_V 321.

  3. MDVL_V 302 (3) European Literature from the 14th to the 16th Century

    Selected works of the Late Middle Ages and Renaissance in their cultural and social contexts. Recommended pre-requisites: Third-year standing or above in the Faculty of Arts.

  4. MDVL_V 310 (3-6) Topics in Medieval Studies

    Interdisciplinary approaches to selected topics in medieval history, literature, and the arts; topics vary from year to year; interested students should consult the Medieval Studies advisor.

  5. MDVL_V 449 (6-12) Graduating Essay or Supervised Study

  6. MDVL_V 490 (3-6) Research Seminar in Medieval Studies

    An intensive research seminar in a specific period, area, or issue integrating topics in medieval history, literature, and the arts; topics vary from year to year; interested students should consult the Medieval Studies advisor.

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