PERS_V 100 (3) Basic Persian I
Basic vocabulary and the fundamentals of modern Persian grammar, structure, and pronunciation, as well as reading, writing, listening, and speaking.
For each academic session (W and S), prior to registration in any PERS_V course, students should review the Persian Registration Guidelines available at to determine which course is appropriate for their level.
Basic vocabulary and the fundamentals of modern Persian grammar, structure, and pronunciation, as well as reading, writing, listening, and speaking.
Continuation of PERS 100. Recommended pre-requisite: PERS 100.
Reading and writing of standard Persian; lexical and syntactic differences between written and spoken Persian. Restricted to Persian heritage speakers with aural/oral knowledge but no reading/writing skills.
Reading of simple texts with emphasis on reading and writing, conversation skills, grammar, and syntax. Recommended pre-requisite: one of PERS 101, PERS 104.
Continuation of PERS 200. Recommended pre-requisite: PERS 200.
Graded reading, writing, exposure to textual history, newspaper reading, and translation. Cultural materials presented as appropriate. Recommended pre-requisites: PERS 201 or Persian heritage speakers with basic reading/writing skills (no more than Grade 6 formal education in Iran).
Continuation of PERS 300. Recommended pre-requisite: PERS 300.
Reading, understanding and participating in contemporary registers of Persian Language as used in newspapers, radio/TV, as well as in online news and social media. Recommended pre-requisites: PERS 104, 201, or 3 credits of PERS at the 300 level, or permission of instructor.
Study of modern Persian language through culturally rich and varied material such as satire, popular culture, songs, and modern poetry and prose. Topics vary from section to section. Consult for current offerings. This course is recommended for students with 6 credits of upper level PERS_V courses and placement approval. For more information on placement approval, please visit Placement Tests at: placement-tests/
Modern short stories from mid-19th century to present. Recommended pre-requisites: one of PERS 104, PERS 300, or Persian heritage speakers with strong reading/writing skills (High School). NOT eligible to students who have studied at the post-secondary level in Iran.
Iranian cultural norms, and sociopolitical information about Iranian society and history, as conveyed through Iranian cinema. Emphasis on speaking, writing, and vocabulary development of Persian language. Recommended pre-requisites: PERS 300, or native or proficient heritage speaker of Persian with permission of the instructor.
Persian through Shahnameh, with a focus on speaking, reading, writing and vocabulary development. Emphasis on Iranian cultural norms, mentalities and values. Recommended pre-requisite: PERS 300 or native or proficient heritage speaker of Persian, with permission of the instructor.
Study of Classical Persian literary, fiction and non-fiction texts, including poetry, prose, and fables. Topics vary from section to section. Consult for current offerings. This course is recommended for students with 6 credits of upper level PERS courses and placement approval. For more information on placement approval, please visit Placement Tests at: placement-tests/