Urban Forestry, Faculty of Forestry

UFOR_V: Urban Forestry

  1. UFOR_V 100 (3) Greening the City

    Roles played by urban forestry and greenspace systems in a rapidly changing world; topics include urban ecology, urban forest conservation, urban forest management, climate change, society and human well-being, design and planning, urban/rural interface issues, and urban forest policy. [2-0-2]

  2. UFOR_V 110 (3) Introduction to Urban Forest Design

    Basic concepts of landscape design as it relates to urban forestry.

  3. UFOR_V 200 (3) Urban Forests and Well-Being

    Basic relationships between urban residents' mental and physical well-being and their urban forest environment. [2-0-2]

  4. UFOR_V 220 (3) Urban Forest Inventory and Assessment

    Overview of urban forest resources: structure and composition, extent, and ecosystem services and benefits provided; introduces methods and tools for urban forest inventory, monitoring, and assessment, and how they are integrated into the planning and management of urban forests. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  5. UFOR_V 231 (3) Introductory Statistical Methods for Urban Forestry

    Basic theories and practice of statistical methods in an urban forestry context. Intended only for students in the Bachelor of Urban Forestry program. Students in the Bachelor of Science, Natural Resources should take NRES 231.

  6. UFOR_V 300 (3) Arboriculture Principles and Practice

    Principles and practices of individual urban tree management with emphasis on underlying biological and ecological concepts, plant-environment interactions above and below ground and implications for establishment, evaluation, and conservation of individual trees in a variety of urban situations. [3-1-0] Prerequisite: Pre-req or co-req: UFOR 316 and Third-year standing.

  7. UFOR_V 316 (3) Trees and Shrubs in Landscape

    Identification and suitability of woody plants used in the urban environment, with a focus on biological characteristics for plant identification, criteria for species selection, and other considerations for urban woody plant cultivation. Prerequisite: One of FRST 200, NRES 200. Corequisite: All of UFOR 316, UFOR 300.

  8. UFOR_V 330 (3) Environmental Justice and Urban Green Equity

    Theory, concepts and applications of urban green equity and urban environmental justice with particular focus on implications for urban forest policy, planning, management, and design. [3-0-1] Prerequisite: Third-year standing.

  9. UFOR_V 400 (3) Urban Forestry Field School

    Development of field skills, professional judgment, critical reflection, and integration of theory, practice, and policy. Offered at Malcolm Knapp Research Forest over a 7-day period in April. Prerequisite: All of UFOR 300, UFOR 316. And third year standing in the B.U.F. program. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  10. UFOR_V 401 (9) Integrated Urban Forestry Capstone Studio

    Integration of biophysical and socio-economic components of urban greenspace management and planning through within a collaborative holistic group project linked to a real-world urban forestry situation. [3-6-0] Prerequisite: All of UFOR 300, UFOR 400. And fourth year standing in the B.U.F. program. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  11. UFOR_V 402 (3) Urban Forestry Administration, Policy and Law

    The administrative, legal, policy, and business environments for urban forestry governance, management, and planning. [3-1-0] Prerequisite: UFOR 300. And third year standing.

  12. UFOR_V 403 (3) Ecological Restoration

    Perspectives and practices of ecological restoration in diverse ecosystems worldwide. Prerequisite: One of FRST 201, NRES 201, BIOL 230. And third-year standing. Equivalency: APBI423 This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  13. UFOR_V 415 (3) Plant Design

    An introduction to the design of enhanced environments through the use of plants.

  14. UFOR_V 420 (3) Ecology of Urban Green Infrastructure

    The nature and dynamics of urban ecosystems with emphasis on urban forests and greenspaces. The role of green infrastructure in urban sustainability with particular focus on the ecological impact of urban forest management, design, and policy decisions. Credit may be granted for only one of UFOR 420 or UFOR 520. [3-0-1] Prerequisite: Fourth-year standing. Equivalency: UFOR 520

  15. UFOR_V 444 (3) Green Network Planning

    Theory and methods of long-range green space planning for urban areas.

  16. UFOR_V 449 (1-6) Directed Studies in Urban Forestry

    In special cases and with the approval of the instructor concerned, a student may carry out directed studies on a specific topic/problems in Urban Forestry and related greenspace planning, management, or governance. The credit value for this course will be determined in consultation with the student prior to the registration.

  17. UFOR_V 495 (3) Biodiversity in Urban Areas

    Urban centres can be designed and managed to contribute to biodiversity conservation commitments. Topics include designing human-dominated landscapes to promote biodiversity, the tools required, assessing outcomes, and the benefits and negatives of nature in the city. Prerequisite: One of FRST 201, NRES 201, BIOL 230. or permission of the instructor.

  18. UFOR_V 500 (3) Developing Green and Resilient Cities - The Urban Forestry Approach

    Online course on the importance of urban green space and urban trees for cities. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  19. UFOR_V 511 (1.5) Geomatics Principles and Applications

    Use and application of remote sensing, GIS, GPS and spatial data analysis. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  20. UFOR_V 512 (3) Urban Forest Governance

    Governance theory and ways of applying a governance perspective to strategic decision-making in urban forestry. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  21. UFOR_V 520 (3) Ecology of Urban Green Infrastructure

    The nature and dynamics of urban ecosystems with emphasis on urban forests and greenspaces. The role of green infrastructure in urban sustainability with particular focus on the ecological impact of urban forest management, design, and policy decisions. Credit may be granted for only one of UFOR 420 or UFOR 520. [3-0-1] This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  22. UFOR_V 521 (3) Advances in Arboriculture and Urban Ecology

    Overview of the field and current state-of-art of arboriculture, with emphasis on current research and good practices. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  23. UFOR_V 522 (3) Urban Forest Resources and Benefits Assessment

    Overview of the state of the art assessment of urban forest resources and their benefits Prerequisite: UFOR 511. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  24. UFOR_V 523 (1.5) Strategic Urban Forest Planning and Management

    Application of urban forestry concepts to strategic urban forest planning and management. Prerequisite: All of UFOR 500, UFOR 511, UFOR 512. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  25. UFOR_V 531 (6) Master of Urban Forestry Leadership Capstone Course

    Application of urban forestry concepts and skills in a project-based learning experience. Prerequisite: FCOR 599. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

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