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Adult and Higher Education, Faculty of Education

ADHE_V: Adult and Higher Education

  1. ADHE_V 327 (3) Teaching Adults

    Planning, conducting and evaluating instruction for adults. Consideration is given to different beliefs and ways of thinking about teaching. [3-0-0]

  2. ADHE_V 328 (3) Institutions of Adult Education

    The history, roles, and activities of institutions in the field of adult education. Institutions in Canada, Great Britain, and the United States are emphasized, and some experiences in other countries are examined. [3-0-0]

  3. ADHE_V 329 (3) Developing Short Courses, Workshops and Seminars

    Organization and administration of adult education events such as short courses, seminars, workshops, conferences and institutes. [3-0-0]

  4. ADHE_V 330 (3) The Community Practice of Adult Education

    Community based adult education with particular emphasis on the application of knowledge of the social, economic, cultural and political environment in developing and conducting adult education programs with an for individuals and groups. [2-3-0]

  5. ADHE_V 375 (6) Diploma Seminar and Internship in Adult Education


  6. ADHE_V 412 (3) An Overview of Adult Education

    Survey of adult education theory and practice in Canada and the world. The focus is on the purpose and participation in, adult education, characteristics of learners, and the training of adult educators. [3-0-0; 3-0-0]

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