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Food, Nutrition and Health, Faculty of Land and Food Systems

FNH_V: Food, Nutrition and Health

  1. FNH_V 160 (3) Integrated Physiology for Human Nutrition I

    Basic principles in human physiology, including function of the nervous, endocrine, musculoskeletal and digestive systems, integration across systems, maintenance of homeostasis, and application to human nutrition. Prerequisite: One of CHEM 11, CHEM 12, CHEM 100, CHEM 110, CHEM 111 and one of BIOL 11, ATPH 12, BIOL 12, BIOL 111. FNH 160 and 161 together are credit-excluded with BIOL 153 and 155.

  2. FNH_V 161 (3) Integrated Physiology for Human Nutrition II

    Basic principles in human physiology, including function of the cardiovascular, immune, respiratory, urinary and reproductive systems, integration across systems, maintenance of homeostasis, and application to human nutrition. Prerequisite: FNH 160. FNH 160 and 161 together are credit-excluded with BIOL 153 and 155.

  3. FNH_V 200 (3) Exploring Our Food

    Chemical and physical properties of foods; issues pertaining to safety, nutritive value and consumer acceptability; government regulations pertaining to food safety, quality and additives; preservation techniques and transformation of agricultural commodities to food products; foods of the future. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: At least second year standing required.

  4. FNH_V 250 (3) Nutrition Concepts and Controversies

    Fundamental concepts and principles of human nutrition applied to current nutrition issues. Prerequisite: Either (a) all of FNH 160, FNH 161 or (b) one of BIOL 111, BIOL 112, BIOL 153, BIOL 155 or (c) all of KIN 131, KIN 132. At least second-year standing required.

  5. FNH_V 290 (3) Introductory Topics in Food, Nutrition, and Health

    Analysis and interpretation of current issues in food, nutrition, and health. Topics will vary from year to year.

  6. FNH_V 300 (3) Food Engineering

    Units and dimensions, mass balance, energy balance, steady state and transient heat flow, fluid handling and measurement. Prerequisite: One of PHYS 101, PHYS 106, PHYS 107, PHYS 117, PHYS 131, PHYS 157, PHYS 158, PHYS 170.

  7. FNH_V 301 (3) Food Chemistry

    Chemical and physical properties and reactions of food constituents, including water, carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, minerals and vitamins. Prerequisite: Either CHEM_V 203 or CHEM_V 233.

  8. FNH_V 302 (3) Food Analysis

    Principles of and procedures for analysis of the chemical and physical properties of food; proximate analysis; introduction to instrumental analysis; reporting and analysis of data. Prerequisite: Either (a) CHEM_V 205, (b) CHEM_V 210, or (c) CHEM_V 211; and either (a) CHEM_V 203 or (b) CHEM_V 233.

  9. FNH_V 303 (3) Food Product Development

    Introduction to and application of concepts involved in food product formulation and development. Prerequisite: One of LFS 252, BIOL 300, EPSE 482, FRST 231, STAT 200. FNH 301 recommended.

  10. FNH_V 309 (3) Food Processing

    Preservation of tissue and fluid food systems by selected physical and chemical treatments with emphasis on product-process interactions. Prerequisite: One of PHYS 12, PHYS 100, PHYS 101, PHYS 106, PHYS 107, PHYS 117, PHYS 131, PHYS 157, PHYS 158, PHYS 170.

  11. FNH_V 313 (3) Food Microbiology

    Roles of microorganisms in food production, preservation, spoilage, and foodborne disease; factors affecting growth, survival and inactivation of microorganisms in foods; methods for identifying, enumerating, and eliminating microorganisms in food-production environments. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: BIOL 112. third-year standing.

  12. FNH_V 325 (3) Food Science Laboratory I

    Laboratory techniques used in food chemistry, microbiology and processing; statistical analysis and presentation of experimental data; scientific report writing. Enrolment restricted to Food Science students. Prerequisite: FNH 200. Corequisite: All of FNH 301, FNH 309, FNH 313.

  13. FNH_V 326 (3) Food Science Laboratory II

    Laboratory techniques used in food analysis, food processing, sensory science and product development; statistical analysis and presentation of experimental data; scientific report writing. Enrolment restricted to Food Science students. Prerequisite: FNH 325. Corequisite: All of FNH 302, FNH 303.

  14. FNH_V 330 (3) Introduction to Wine Science I

    Principles of viticulture, enology, and wine microbiology and chemistry; marketing, regulation and classification of wines from selected regions of the world; social, economic and health aspects of wine consumption; wine appreciation. Prerequisite: Third-year standing or higher.

  15. FNH_V 335 (3) Introduction to Wine Science II

    Review of diverse styles of wine with consideration of classic wine-producing areas. Concepts in wine microbiology/chemistry; overview of steps in grape processing for diverse wine styles. Comparison of regulations for Canadian VQA systems with international systems. Wine sensory analysis. [3-1-0] Prerequisite: FNH 330. and third-year standing or higher.

  16. FNH_V 340 (4.5) Food Theory and Applications

    Principles of food preparation based on the physical and chemical properties of food, and experimental and practical applications to food preparation. [1.5-3-0] Prerequisite: [FNH 200] AND ( [CHEM111, CHEM113] OR [CHEM121, CHEM123] ) This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  17. FNH_V 341 (3) Food Theory Applications

    Experimental and practical application of scientific principles and theories to problems of food preparation. Note: Course registrants are required to possess a Foodsafe I certificate. [0-3-0] Corequisite: FNH 340. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  18. FNH_V 342 (3) Critical Perspectives on Consumer Food Practices

    Personal, collective, and policy factors affecting food choices, including perceptions of healthy eating, gender, identity, family structures, and economic, sociocultural, and political forces. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: At least third year standing required.

  19. FNH_V 345 (3) Counselling Skills in Dietetics

    Counselling in dietetics: communication theory and foundational counselling skills. Prerequisite: FNH 370. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  20. FNH_V 350 (3) Fundamentals of Nutrition

    Fundamentals of energy and macronutrient metabolism. Prerequisite: FNH_V 250 and one of BIOL_V 201, BIOC_V 202, BIOC_V 203.

  21. FNH_V 351 (3) Vitamins, Minerals, and Health

    Vitamin and mineral nutrition and their role in maintaining and promoting health. Prerequisite: FNH_V 250 and one of BIOL_V 201, BIOC_V 202, BIOC_V 203.

  22. FNH_V 355 (3) International Nutrition

    Conceptualization and scientific analyses of global problems in food and nutrition; complexities of food habits and malnutrition in various cultures around the world. [3-0-0]

  23. FNH_V 370 (3) Nutrition Assessment

    The use of dietary, anthropometric, biochemical, and related information for the assessment of nutritional status of individuals and populations. Prerequisite: FNH 250.

  24. FNH_V 371 (3) Human Nutrition Over The Life Span

    Nutritional requirements and dietary patterns of healthy individuals throughout the life span. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: FNH 250.

  25. FNH_V 375 (3) Nutrition Care I

    Fundamentals of nutrition care: the nutrition care process (NCP), documentation, nutritional risk and nutritional status assessment, metabolic stress, supplements, pharmacology, and body weight. NCP applied to food allergies and intolerances, gastrointestinal symptoms. Introduction to chronic diseases. Restricted to students in year 3 of the dietetics major. Prerequisite: All of FNH_V 350, FNH_V 370 and either (a) one of BIOL_V 153, BIOL_V 155, CAPS_V 301 or (b) all of FNH_V 160 and FNH_V 161. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  26. FNH_V 380 (3) Professional Dietetic Practice I

    Introduction to the profession of dietetics in Canada. Restricted to students in the Dietetics Major. Prerequisite: Third-year standing in the Dietetics Major. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  27. FNH_V 381 (3) Dietetics Practice Education Placement I

    Practice education placements in settings across British Columbia. Restricted to students in the Dietetics Major. Prerequisite: All of FNH 375, FNH 380. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  28. FNH_V 398 (4) Research Methods in Human Nutrition

    Process of research; principles and processes in utilizing research. Restricted to students in majors in the FNH program. Prerequisite: FNH 250 and either (a) LFS 252 or (b) BIOL 300 or (c) EPSE 482 or (d) FRST 231 or (e) STAT 200.

  29. FNH_V 401 (3) Advances in Plant and Cell-Based Foods

    Examination of meat, egg, fish, and dairy analogues made using plants, recombinant proteins, and cell cultures, from the molecular to the macroscopic level. Relation of molecular details to physical and sensory properties. Health and sustainability impacts. Prerequisite: FNH 301 and 3rd-year standing or higher, or permission from the instructor.

  30. FNH_V 402 (3) Functional Foods

    Functional food concepts related to efficacy and safety; examples of bioactive component-disease relationships; natural health products; approval of functional food and health claims; the importance of clinical studies in support of efficacy for health claims; market determinants of functional foods. Prerequisite: One of BIOL_V 201, BIOC_V 202, BIOC_V 203, and third-year standing. Equivalency: PHAR_V 431

  31. FNH_V 403 (3) Food Laws, Regulations and Quality Assurance

    Canadian and international laws governing food composition, grading, quality and safety; hazard analysis critical control points; statistical quality assurance. Prerequisite: One of LFS_V 252, STAT_V 200, FRST_V 231, BIOL_V 300, EPSE_V 482, or equivalent background in statistics.

  32. FNH_V 404 (3) Food Safety and Quality Management

    Food production plant sanitation, environmental monitoring, global food safety standards, and food plant internal audits. Prerequisite: FNH 403.

  33. FNH_V 405 (3) Microbiology of Food and Beverage Fermentation

    Fermentation methods, mechanism and microbiology of nonalcoholic fermented foods and alcoholic fermented beverages (beer, cider, sake). Prerequisite: One of MICB_V 211, MICB_V 212, BIOL_V 201, BIOL_V 203, BIOC_V 202, BIOC_V 203. Third-year standing.

  34. FNH_V 413 (3) Food Safety

    Microbial and chemical factors that underlie public health challenges in the food supply chain; prevalence and nature of organisms which cause foodborne diseases; approaches and technologies for improvement of food safety. Prerequisite: One of MICB_V 211, MICB_V 212, CHEM_V 233, FNH_V 313.

  35. FNH_V 414 (3) Sustainability in the Food Industry

    Regenerative sustainability and the sustainability nexus; health and environmental impacts of the food industry; environmental performance indicators and management systems; approaches to enhance sustainability in the food industry. Prerequisite: One of FNH 309, FNH 313.

  36. FNH_V 415 (3) Business Concepts in Food, Nutrition, and Health

    Introduction to and application of business activities in food, nutrition, and health settings. Credit will only be granted for only one of FNH 415, FOOD 515, or FRE 515. Prerequisite: At least third-year standing in the Faculty of Land and Food Systems.

  37. FNH_V 419 (3) Interfacial Phenomena

    Outline of the physics and chemistry of interfaces; discussion of the part played by surface effects in technical processes. Credit will be granted for only one of FNH 419 and FOOD 519. Prerequisite: FNH 300. or equivalent. Equivalency: CHBE 487

  38. FNH_V 425 (6) Food Science Laboratory III

    Integrated course designed to illustrate principles of research and product development in the food industry. [0-3-1] Prerequisite: All of FNH 325, FNH 326.

  39. FNH_V 430 (3) Enology and Wine Biotechnology

    Yeasts and bacteria involved in wine making, metabolic pathways leading to the production of flavour and spoilage compounds, genetic improvement of wine yeasts, and red and white wine fermentations. Approaches and technologies for the improvement of wine safety. Sensory evaluation of wines. Prerequisite: One of BIOL 335, MICB 325, FNH 313, BIOC 302.

  40. FNH_V 436 (3) Integrated Functional Genomics

    Global transcript, protein and metabolite profiling technologies, their integration, application, and furtherance of our understanding of how higher organisms function in general. Prerequisite: BIOL 335. Equivalency: BIOL436

  41. FNH_V 440 (3) Food Service Systems Management

    Management responsibilities in quantity food production with emphasis on menu planning, purchasing and service. Includes planning and equipping food services. Restricted to students in the Dietetics major. Note: Course registrants are required to possess a Foodsafe II certificate. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: FNH 340. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  42. FNH_V 451 (3) Nutrient Metabolism and Implications for Health

    Integration of nutrient and energy metabolism on a whole-body and individual tissue basis and the implication for health. Emphasis will be on regulation of nutrient metabolism. Prerequisite: FNH_V 350, one of BIOC_V 302 or BIOC_V 303, and either (a) one of BIOL_V 153, BIOL_V 155, CAPS_V 301 or (b) all of FNH_V 160 and FNH_V 161.

  43. FNH_V 454 (3) Fish Nutrition

    Physiology of digestion and excretion, nutrient requirements, sources of nutrients, diet formulation, feeding management. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: [FNH 350]

  44. FNH_V 455 (3) Applied International Nutrition

    Applying nutrition concepts and principles in addressing problems of malnutrition and food insecurity in international settings. Basics of developing culturally acceptable, sustainable nutrition intervention programs. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: FNH 355. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  45. FNH_V 470 (3) Nutrition Care II

    Enteral nutrition, parenteral nutrition, and the nutrition care process are applied to select diseases or conditions, including trauma, surgery, critical care, respiratory diseases, gastrointestinal diseases, liver diseases, and diseases of the gallbladder and exocrine pancreas. Restricted to students in year 4 of the dietetics major. Prerequisite: All of FNH_V 371, FNH_V 375. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  46. FNH_V 472 (3) Maternal and Fetal Nutrition

    Metabolic adaptations, nutrient metabolism, and special issues during pregnancy that may influence the maternal-fetal nutritional supply. [3-0-0] Corequisite: FNH 350. Third-year standing.

  47. FNH_V 473 (3) Applied Public Health Nutrition

    Theory and methods in public health nutrition and health promotion program planning to assess, plan, implement, and evaluate nutrition-related programs for communities and populations. Considers factors affecting behavior and the social determinants of health. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: FNH 250 and fourth-year standing.

  48. FNH_V 474 (3) Sport Nutrition

    Nutritional needs of athletes, including energy, carbohydrate and protein; hydration; pre-and post-event nutrition, weight management and body composition issues; ergogenic aids; sports-specific guidelines; and special athlete populations. Prerequisite: All of FNH 350, FNH 351.

  49. FNH_V 475 (3) Nutrition Care III

    Nutrition care process applied to select diseases and conditions including dysphagia, cancer, neurological conditions, metabolic syndrome, eating disorders, cardiovascular diseases, endocrine diseases, and renal diseases. Restricted to students in year 4 of the dietetics major. Prerequisite: All of BIOC_V 302, FNH_V 470. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  50. FNH_V 477 (3) Nutrition and Disease Prevention

    Evidence-based examination of the role of nutrition in the prevention of chronic disease. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: FNH 398.

  51. FNH_V 480 (3) Professional Dietetic Practice II

    Skill development and application for practice education placements and dietetic practice settings. Restricted to students in the Dietetics Major. Prerequisite: All of FNH 380, FNH 381. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  52. FNH_V 481 (3) Dietetics Practice Education Placement II

    Practice education placements in settings across British Columbia. Restricted to students in the Dietetics Major. Pass/Fail. Prerequisite: All of FNH 380, FNH 381, FNH 480. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  53. FNH_V 482 (12) Dietetics Practice Education Placement III

    Practice education placements in settings across British Columbia. Restricted to students in the Dietetics Major. Pass/Fail. Prerequisite: FNH 481. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  54. FNH_V 483 (12) Dietetics Practice Education Placement IV

    Practice education placements in settings across British Columbia. Restricted to students in the Dietetics Major. Pass/Fail. Prerequisite: FNH 482. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  55. FNH_V 490 (3) Advanced Topics in Food, Nutrition, and Health

    Analysis and interpretation of current issues in food, nutrition and health. Prerequisite: 3rd year standing or higher.

  56. FNH_V 497 (2-6) Directed Studies in Food, Nutrition and Health

  57. FNH_V 499 (6) Undergraduate Thesis

    Design and execution of an experimental/analytical research project leading to preparation of a thesis. Prerequisite: Approval of a program advisor; consult before the end of classes in third year.

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